
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Hello All

Hello All,

I have not been on the Masterfox site since I don't know when, mostly because I can't hardly look at it without tearing up....it just brings back to many memories of the way things once were. Having what many of us called "our life" snatched away from us for no reason back in 2010, is harder than what you can ever imagine. We here in Florida lost family and friends, and a way of life that so many of us were born into. For some reason, I got on this morning and started searching different field trials and hounds of the past that I knew I was involved in, and ran across the following post on my trip down memory lane. I had posted this back in 2009. It reads..

"""Words cannot express how much we appreciate everyone who came out and supported us this past weekend. Because of all of you, we were able to raise $945 for the Altha First Baptist Church Youth Group. This money will be used to help them go on their mission trip next summer to help build homes for families who are without. Just another great accomplishment that foxhunters have had a hand in over the years! Results are as follow:"""

This was my results post from the 2009 Altha First Baptist Church Benefit Hunt. Not only was foxhunting here in Florida a sport and a tradition that so many of us loved, but we always came together to help those in need....and that is gone as well.

I challenge each and every one of you to stay on top of what is going on in your states. Know that many are out there, trying their best to take your love and passion away from you as well. Don't ever say..."It can't happen to me"...because it can. Don't let them take what is rightfully yours. Protect your rights with everything that you are.

I miss so many of you to even begin naming you all, and hopefully along this path that God is leading me down, I will run into you again. The impact that so many of you have had on my life has greatly influenced my life. You cannot be partially raised by George & Trish Rogero, Haskell & Carole Spires, Wyatte & Marie O'Steen, Irv & Sherrill Janney, and Jerry Martin, just to name a few, to not have many stories to take with you for life. Take care and know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Sky Scott

Re: Hello All

what a great post Sky.I can only imagine taking my dog pens down because someone else thought I should.

Re: Hello All

Ditto that !