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Puppy Hunt Results

We had a good hunt this morning. Good running,good fellowship,and pretty good eating I thought. Thanks to all the hunters that come.

young class
1-2-1000-Logan Ponder
2-11-690-Logan Ponder
3-7-600-Logan Ponder
4-01-540-Big Daddy
5-13-490-Ben Leedy
6-3-470-Logan Ponder
7-9-465-Dalton Weatherford
8-4-355-Rodney Folks
9-16-335-Jared Horton
10-0-280-Jeff Ingram

older class
1-96-695-Ben Leedy
2-86-600-Stephen Lewter
3-62-580-Big Boy and Randal
4-99-450-Jeff Ingram
5-71-420-Rodney Folks
6-77-375-Big Boy and Randal
7-91-365-Jeff Ingram
8-111-365-Jeff Ingram
9-75-350-Charles Murphy
10-92-285-Big Boy and Randal

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

Thanks Earl,and congrats to Ponder an Leedy on there wins.The food was great and me gracie enjoyed ourselves and cant wait til the next one.

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

Congrats to ponder on his win. I had a good time and seen some good pups smoke a wolf! Lol. 1st in old-mitchells buddy x crosbys holly & 5th in young was crosbys rusty x ponders Billie Jean.

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

Congratulations to all who placed and to Big Ben on his win ! Great hunt mr David and great cookies but cookies that good I no you didn't make them so tell mrs Kelly thanks lol 1,2,3 & 6 Rodgers p-joe x ponders lj

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

Congrats Ben and Ponder on y'all's win and everyone else that placed . 2nd old ( Blalocks King x Lewter's Betty)

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

Good hunt we had fun. Nice to put some faces with names we see on here all the time! Hopefully we be back soon! 7th in young Dalton's panty snatcher( woods Luke x 3 legs). 3rd in old Wascoms Lil bit ( Wascoms Obama x bobbetes Anna) chad Wascom. 6th and 10th old ( Wascoms Obama x big boys crystal).

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

Congrats to Ponder & Leedy on your wins & everyone else that placed! Good hunt with some real fast running! 9th place in the young (Wheel of Fortune x Canerday's Ruby).

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

Congratulations to all my home town friends on placing Wascom , Big Boy & Randal , and dalton