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The passing of a great hunter

Sunday night Buford Harris of Ashford,Al passed away at 88 years old. Buford was a foxhunter most of his life, and hunted up until about 10 years ago. He hunted and field trialed the most during the 70's and 80's. Buford and his son , Dennis Joel Harris ran the Bawlin Breeze Kennels together during those days. They had Bawlin Breeze, Beasleys Rambler and Haris Abel Jester. Jester is still seen in pedigree's here in the southeast. He started a history within the Harris family of foxhunting with it being passed on down to grandchildren (Michelle Harris Miller) being involved in the chase since infancy. Lots of memories and traditions are still being cherished tonight as the dogs were let loose for the chase all in memory of Buford Harris.

Re: The passing of a great hunter

sorry to hear about mr.harris.i still have the harris abel jester name in a lot of my dogs pedigrees

Re: The passing of a great hunter

I am sorry to hear about your granddad. He will be
remembered by many for the way that the good. traits
in his dogs bred true from one generation. to the next.
I will remember him because his own good traits. bred
on even more true. I'm sorry. for your loss, but he will
live on in all of you.