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How to keep your dogs running hard?

Just wondering what you folks do to keep your dogs from running out of fuel. I know it is mostly bred into them, but I am curious what steps you take before a hunt to get as much out of your dogs as possible. SAFELY!

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

I switch mine to pure meat a couple weeks before a trial. All natural is best. Crush up some B12 tablets and sprinkle it on the food or if you have the ability a B12 shot. Then a couple days before start them on some K9 Superfuel. After they get a glucosimine supplement for their joints.

I don't give mine anything else.

The best thing I ever did for a hound at a 3 day was years ago. A farmer had a horse break a leg so I fed the hound horse meat. WOW. It made him very agressive too though. Couldn't tie him up near another dog.

I for one would never jeapordize the health of one of my dogs just to place better in a trial. It just isn't worth it.

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

What does feedin them beef liver before n after a hunt do for them? Seen a few folks doing it. An does it work?

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

Change breeding and STOP buying CULLS!!!!!

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

Wow! Thanks for that Jack Wagon! I new there would be a douche before the day was done.

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

hunter, I use it to build up blood count sometimes...

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

Thank you. What else is good tricks that work. I no good breeding is key but lookin for a safe edge...thanks.

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

if u got to give ur dog stuff to put them in a hunt cull them if they cant make it get another blood line

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

Run them regular. Feed good feed and worm regularly. Being in woods and bred right main thing. my opinion.

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

The desire has to bred in them but the best thing you can do to make sure they last and stay strong through the hunt is to condition them and have them in good shape. Run short hours as many times a week as you can. That will build muscle and "wind'.

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

Purina pro plan an K9 super fuel its awesome stuff.

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

The hounds I have hunt well and they are bred well. Closest place I have to run is 1.5 hrs away, so I am limited on hunt time. I was just looking for something to give them a little fuel. Maybe one extra hour of hard hunting. They always finish, but do to my once a week hunting they slow down at about 3 to 4 hours. I run young dogs, mostly 6 to 14 months

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

Good quality feed soaked in water til it soaks it all up. Keeps em hydrated. And walmart dog vitamins evwryday. Youll see a huge diference.

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

John, lots of guys swim their dogs now to keep them in tip top shape. 20-30 minutes of it is an extreme cardio workout and helps build muscles. It is a lot of work as I have tried it, but some have it down to a science. If you get set up it would help you more than anything. With you running just once a week you'd see increased stamina when you did go hunting.

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

John, I believe in super fuel but start any suplement no later than three weeks prior to hunt. I like putting pedalite on their food starting five days before the hunt. David is right on with swimming them which is probably a great idea for your sitiuation, but nothing can replace time in the woods. Stay on their feet I have a recipe handed down to me, but pad heal is a good place to start. Just remember you are taking care of them and they do not have to suit anyone else but you. The type of hound you like may not be the kind of hound it takes to place in a hunt, but if that is what you want start judging hunts and that will let you know what to look for. Hope this helps, happy hunting!

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

what are yall doing to swim them. I really couldn't see taking a few of my crazy hounds down to the river and making them swim. Do you get a horse trough or something. I am going to a pup hunt in 2 weeks so I started mine on a raw meat diet. I have an abundance of ground deer hamburger that I am feeding. I have been mixing some forte in with it. It is 48% protein and 25% crude fat. Its pretty much black golds version of super fuel.

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

I assume most put a cable across a body of water with a winch or hand crank on it.

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

I guess I could bring them to the pool here at work thats fenced in. Surely no one would mind a hound in the pool!

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

John give me a call about swimming. Ur dogs. At 352-339-5422 thanks William

Re: How to keep your dogs running hard?

I would take mine in summer time every time i went to swimming hole. could really see difference.