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Pen branch hunt results

Pen branch hunt results...
1. C & M'S kennel( Monica & Cliff )
2. C & M'S kennel( Monica & Cliff )
3. Fudy
4. Jimbo & Wyatt McKay
6. Jimbo & Wyatt McKay
Y'all fill in the blanks

Re: Pen branch hunt results

I heard the winning dog had 700 points on a outside hunt,that's just hard to see bc you don't see that much in a pen on a good day!!! I guess anything can happen! If its a male dog one thing for sure is a lot of outside hunters will be calling to breed to THAT BAD BOY!!!! Happy hunting!!!

Re: Pen branch hunt results

Y'all know the only way for them to do that is just pencil whip it they don't have dog no way near that good first two should have been scratched pen branch with y'all just setting around getting all drunk up an then not doing nothing about this u might forget about a field trial

Re: Pen branch hunt results

It was a gyp that won 1st place. And thats not the first hunt shes won. She's off of "j's tin top/Kyle's bad girl" breeder was Kyle Ladner.

She only scored 600 points

And to who ever thinks the first two should have been scratched. I'm sorry you fill that way.

Re: Pen branch hunt results

600 points on a outside hunt... C'mon man really.. That's Wat u call a huntet scoring there own dogs and not even laying there eyes on them...

Re: Pen branch hunt results

Actually the top 4 should have been thrown out because the same people scored the top 4 dogs, which was out of boundaries, and yes the 1st place dog did score over 700 points and that was after they had thrown some of their scores out. So just imagine what their scores would have been if they didnt throw some out. What a JOKE!

Re: Pen branch hunt results

What are the boundries u are talking about? I heard there were 5 dogs running in that pack.and they were running a half grown deer going around and around in happy hunting club. I heard there were two different people scoring that pack and it was some jam up running, and I over heard someone say the top 4 dogs owners are in that club and run there a lot. Just what I heard.

Re: Pen branch hunt results

What boundaries? Really? Yes the 2 people are in that club that was scoring the dogs but the 3rd place was not scoring and he is also in that club. But the fact of the matter is sounds like alot of pencil whipping was going on up there. But congrats to the 3rd place dog.

Re: Pen branch hunt results

Just an FYI..my sons dog placed 13th with 65 points. He was very excited and was an honest hunter!! Had I known ahead of time, all the pencil whipping going on, I would have done like the rest and put him up in the hundreds also!!!

Re: Pen branch hunt results.....CRY BABIES

Never seen so much CRYING & BAD MOUTHING as you bunch of whiney, cry-babies do about a hunt!!!

Y'all need to go to WALMART & get a bunch of CRYING TOWELS!!

Re: Pen branch hunt results.....CRY BABIES

It's called a GPS and hunters judging...

Re: Pen branch hunt results.....CRY BABIES

You can't score 700 pts on a rabbit in 4 hrs much less a walker on a deer. You don't even see dogs scoreing 700pts in a 1000 acre pen and definetly not in a outside hunt where its free range.

Re: Pen branch hunt results

All I know is I placed 5th with 105 points and 9th with 85 andI got my doors blew off! But no whining here, congrats.. -wineo and Dylan

Re: Pen branch hunt results

What did the third place dog score if first was 700 and fifth was 105

Re: Pen branch hunt results

To all that believe it was 700 points.. I own the 1st and 2nd place dogs and it was 600 and 575 points scored. Sorry if someone's fillings was hurt that our dogs won....enough said...

Re: Pen branch hunt results

Your the one that has to lay your head at night knowing Wat happened. It's hard to believe that 600 or 700..

Re: Pen branch hunt results

My head lays fine at night ! If you field trial alot, then you know how the game works!! It's the right place at the right time, a little bit of luck, and something that can do it when it's there... Maybe next time you'll have that chane. Good day and good luck!

Re: Pen branch hunt results

600 points on a outside hunt?? That's the craziest thing I have ever heard.. Maybe a GPS had something to do with it, lets see if the owner will admit that!!!

Re: Pen branch hunt results

All I know is the kennel that one this hunt. Scored his dogs at the fryers creek hunt at 10:40 when the hunt was over at 10:45 when the dogs was not running at that time.

Re: Pen branch hunt results

That's what I'm talking about tell it like it is!!

Re: Pen branch hunt results

I agree with the person that said go to Walmart and get some towels to cry on. Sounds like a bunch of jealous kids that is sore losers, so what if this kennel won. Good for them! If they used GPS, or scored their dogs shouldn't matter, bc I was at that hunt also and at cast no one said u couldn't do that!!! They would have not won if the people over the hunt didn't think they should!!! Now grow up quit acting like kids and trying to low rate people into thinking bad about folks...

Re: Pen branch hunt results

We will see in a few weeks if the winning kennel shows up at clear water hunt!! And he has probably be to enough hunts to know not to use his gps..

Re: Pen branch hunt results

you have officially broken a recored!!

Re: Pen branch hunt results

If you go to a hunt where hunters judge their own, this is going to happen. Maybe they did have the best dogs, who knows. But why risk it? Get some **** judges and let them do what they do. Hunters should not be judging and judges should not have hounds in a hunt. Just my opinion.