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May 18 puppy hunt

May 18 we will be having a 8 month an 29 days and under puppy hunt for 3 hours. Located in Big Bend, Louisiana at Coco's Fox pen.It will be $30 a dog and a money hunt! Call me at 318-359-8743 to get numbers or directions. Please call after 5.
Address is 13230 Hwy 451, Hamburg, Louisiana 71339.
Hope to see new people and some good running!
Thanks Joseph and Darrell Coco

Re: May 18 puppy hunt

Darrell and Joe,glad to see this hunt going to happen. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. If a person wants to run in a pen where they can see what their puppy is doing this is the pen to do it in. Look forward to seeing all my friends and some new ones there.

Re: May 18 puppy hunt

What is the pay back and how big is the pen? Will the hunters be able to see any action? Thank you

Re: May 18 puppy hunt

The pen is 71 acres and will pay back one place for every five dogs. You will be able to see action it has hay fields and it has lots of roads.

Re: May 18 puppy hunt

I am glad to see Darrel and Joe putting on this hunt. If you have not seen this pen you are in for a treat. This will be my first hunt to attend this year and I am excited. I hope he has enough judges so all I have to do is visit. Bring your best puppies and less see what they can do.

Re: May 18 puppy hunt


Re: May 18 puppy hunt

What does that mean? btt?

Re: May 18 puppy hunt

Back to the top Joe. It puts the post back at the top of the page.

Re: May 18 puppy hunt

Hey guys I told yall at Montgomery I was coming, but Im not sure now. I ran her Saturday and she finished the day holding her front right paw off the ground. I found where the thorn went in, but not sure if it made its way out. She has an awful lot of swelling. I'm trying my best to get her ready. I like to keep my word if I tell someone I'm coming to their hunt. Maybe if I'm unable to participate I can just help judge or something.

Re: May 18 puppy hunt

sounds good philip. hope she will be ready but if not come for the fun and may need judges there will also be good food!