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Milk Fever

Have a pregnant gyp with possible milk fever.. any advise or remedies would be greatly appreciated. Dripping her, but she is a little wobbly and of course its the weekend.Thanks.........

Re: Milk Fever

3cc of penicilin for 2 days..

Re: Milk Fever

You are right ! Hit her with penicillin now and I would advise three days !

Re: Milk Fever

Mix Cottage Cheese or Whole milk with her feed! I can't see where the Penicillin will hurt anything but don't figure it'll put any Calcuim back into her body (and thats what she needs if it's milk fever)- I'd hit her with 23% Calcuim Glusonate (you can get a 500ml bottle for around $5)- If you can't IV Just pull the skin back & put around 20cc (ask your vet- may tell you a different rate) under the skin or drench her with it 2 or 3x daily for 3-5 days depending on her condition. Hope this helps!

Re: Milk Fever

Thanks for all the advice....got her at the vet trying to figure it out.