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Shocking collars that are for sale on vargays

Those shocking collars that are for sale on vargays are way over priced I just bought a new set last year with 6 collars for 1,040
Who ever is this goodtime Charlie better drop the price or just decide to look at them for the rest of his life I heard he does the same with his dogs to thinking they are worth a million an they can't get in a yote race ! If people will pay attention he is just a talker not a true hunter ?

Re: Shocking collars that are for sale on vargays

He wants 750 for his.You overpaid according his price!

Re: Shocking collars that are for sale on vargays

Good time does not have those collars for sale .He just made a post.You need to re-read the post,

Re: Shocking collars that are for sale on vargays

Dont believe everything you hear or / "heared"