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Shumans mr t

I was just wondering if Mr t died why the 2012 fl state was going on how can he be the sire of the pups that Lynn Shuman is calling may pups do the math all pen owners should ban these pup from any puppy hunts all you boys that's been running pups to old is coming to a stop the fl state was held Feb 1 thru 4

Re: Shumans mr t

Correction so Ga puppy hunter. He died after the Florida state not during it. He hgad at the Florida state and his live picture was in the book. Get your facts right.

Re: Shumans mr t

To get the facts want u call ANDY SHUMAN 912-242-2825 An have the b???? an post your real name

Re: Shumans mr t

Ok. To the coward that wont post under their own name (you Chicken Shi#).
The FACT of the matter is that Shuman's Mr. T died at the vets office The first of April 2012. We have documentation from the vets office to prove this fact. If you are man enough, call Lynn Shuman at 912-312-6042 or Andy Shuman at 912-242-2825
Stop running you mouth about crap. Stop hiding behing a fake name and stop whining because you dont have a dog that can out run these off of T.
The last dogs bred off of T was Shumans Lynze, belonging to Andy Shuman as well as South Bryan's Sidewinder belonging to Russell
Jenkins. Both bred in March and both born a few days apart in May.
Grow the hell up!!! We have no need of cheating like so many others that do. I work my behind off training my hounds.

Signed, a man not afraid to tell you like it is to your face!


Re: Shumans mr t

And you can bet your last dollar, we will have some more litters off of SHUMANS MR. T's offspring!!!