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4 hr S&D Money Hunt

Hated to wait until the last minute to decide to have a hunt but there r so many hunts going on and hated to put one on top of the other but we r goin to have a 4 hr OPEN S&D and let hunters pair up to judge since it is so hard to get enough judges to show up.It will be a 50.00 entry with a 25.00 pay back.For numbers call 228-493-3180 or I can put them on here.Thanks!Cast time will be at 6:00 sharp.

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

What date?

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

sorry!!!! May 18th

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

Same day as the handicap hunt in Enon. Hope everybody that planned to go to It don't change there mind and go to this hunt.

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

Need 2 numbers please

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

That's gator and Gaines creek outside hunts the same day. I'm sure if they would answer questions about the pen closing they could give out some #s.

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

The pen is closing and they just trying to fill their pockets up while it open and taken away from the ones needing it

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

Why don't u pick up the phone and call them instead of posting what u want to know and U mite get an answer

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

Chris your numbers are 16,17...

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

Are you kidding???

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

Really what

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

Is there any number been givin out not much being said

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

Look all u no name, no gut, trouble making, no life or nothing better to do people.Yes we r having a hunt and numbers have been givin out and you can say and be as childish as you like but we will have a hunt.Come if you like or stay home and babble a little more....Thanks to all that has called and got numbers!!!! God Bless and may you enjoy the sport, not tear it apart.

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt


Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt


Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

need to turn my numbers in..didnt know the hunt was gonna be this weekend..sorry

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt


Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

Well did anybody show up

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

Word on the street is 31 dogs

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

J&r kennels blowed hunt out

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

They didn't blow it out wit 205 points!!

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

Well mrs fact the fact is u put on a hunt with the pen closing down an win the hunt so u can keep all the money all we know there were 31 suckers there they got y'all good

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

Dam,is that how the hunt went? O my who was 2nd?

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

It's ashame for such a pen to close down. Could have had all the big hunts if managed properly. I personally have enjoyed attending numerous hunts there too bad I wasn't closer to get in on some night running

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

That's a fact one of the best around , good friends , near town and awesome hunting from time to time!! Hate to see it go ! Maybe they will figure it out

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

Here is the results so u all can keep it going on babbling and making all the statements that you all think you know what your talking about but have no clue because probably not one of you have ever had enough guts to even take a chance as big as we have in life to do what we have done. Hell u don't even have enough ass to even put your real name much less take on a task like this. Also all score sheets from each person that turned in scores were laid out on the table for everyone to see who scored each hound and if anyone would be big enough to call me I would be glad to let them be seen....

1. J&R Knls
2. Sandy Creek Knls
3. Frank Venezia
4. Brian Waltman
5. Frank Venezia
6. Hi tech
7. Brian Waltman
8. Hi tech
9. Double Trouble Knls
10.Joel Smith

Happy Hunting if that is possible!!!

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

When is the next derby or all age?

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

Just to say I attended the hunt helped in figuring the scores and called it out for deep south. It was difficult with so few judges scoring that size pen. But the hunters were paired, leaving their tracking systems at camp so no hocus pocus !!! I watched the whole four hours and simply put the best dog I saw won! Congrads to all who placed there were some good hounds there.I had fun and a lot of laughs! There was a wild dog with no number that someone needs to catch, it put on a show! Heard Clyde been trying, don't blame him looked like a July! Lol!!! Hunters need to stick together in unity, and make sure the best dog wins as it did yesterday! Not look at trying to pump up a hound or sell one! The bottom line is that it's the pens responsibility and the hunters to make sure hunts are handeled properly remember Jesus is watching u, and it's not worth going to hell over!!! I don't know what has happened in the past, but as far as I could tell the hunt was correct as of yesterday's event!!! All scores were double checked and laid on table for all to see!!! These secret judges meeting need to be like the meetings of the knights of the round table! All made accountable for their own actions, and all would be surprised of the different outcomes that would transpire !!! God bless and happy hunting!

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

I have met John and Rachel at the nationals and they always seemed like nice people. I hope they are not closing their pen even though i have never been there. Whether people beleive it or not without pens foxhunting will die. There will be less hunters and interest will finally die out. My
dad built a pen in 1986 and i can tell you it has not been to make money, but to provide a service to people and have a place to run our hounds. Most of the time there is very little thanks and a lot of criticism. The thing that has hurt our sport more than anything is the same thing that usually ruins every thing else, "MONEY". When you start running for such large amounts of money a lot of people seem to lose all their morals. Build you a fox pen and you will find out that there are a lot more critics than people who appreciate having a place to run. Hope the Deep South Pen lives on. This is just my opinion but I have seen both sides.

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

It takes money, time , friends , support and time away from your family to take a chance on a pen like that!! They are average people not millionaires . All I can say us u had fun while it lasted--OUT. I can say one thing if u know John u know a good man!!

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

Whens the next one? Thanks.

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt

What's breeding on hounds ?

Re: 4 hr S&D Money Hunt
