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Prayers for the Elmore family

Please keep Adam Elmore and his family in you prayers, for all that don't know Adam he comes to most hunts at Buckville, as does his dad Edward and brother Derek. They are all good people and will be facing some tough days I'm sure. Adam is 23 or 24 and today was diagnosed with t-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma. He is going into the hospital tonight to start treatment. Thank you

Re: Prayers for the Elmore family

Prayers for the Family.

Re: Prayers for the Elmore family

Snake, I got a call from Troy Speers stating samething. Please keep us updated and we will try to help him, and go and see him

Re: Prayers for the Elmore family

Yes Adam can stand all the prayers you can give him

Re: Prayers for the Elmore family

We will be praying for Adam and his family. Adam and his brothers are wonderful young men and it has been our pleasure to watch them grow up. They love hunting, fishing, and the outdoors. Wonderful family!

Re: Prayers for the Elmore family

The Elmore family will be in our prayers

Re: Prayers for the Elmore family

We will be praying for the Elmore family.