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What's the best thing to do for parvo on a pup 12 weeks old ? Thanks In advance

Re: Parvo


Re: Parvo

Give me a call 318-789-1924. I may can help

Re: Parvo

Give 0ne CC of bleach by mouth, I hope this well help .

Re: Parvo

send him to the happy hunting ground. if he makes it through he want be worth a plug nickel!! no stamina etc, save your money and effort been there several times

Re: Parvo

3 cc of dmso 2 days in a row but got to give it to them soon as you see them getting sick make sure they have plenty of water I put electralites in mines water

Re: Parvo

Go get some Gatorade and petalite they give babys petalite. When they get really dehydrated i would definitely not give them bleech or dmso to a 12 week old pup. Who ever these guys are telling u this has no clue parvo has to run its course keep them well hydrated and if you got your pups on a concrete pad move them then use the bleech to disinfect my uncle is a vet if your pups survive and they get better make sure you give them a 7-1 or 5-1 vaccination shot just my thought but do what you feel is best for your pups good luck .

Re: Parvo

Just read about the bleach i geuss this ya hoo never heard of bleach poisoning i agree with gatorade and never heard of the other stuff hope your young hounds get better

Re: Parvo

If it is parvo the worst thing you can do it put anything down their throat. Not gatoraid or any electrolyte. What kills them is the throwing up. Either they will die from dehydration or when they are throwing up a lot their intestines will start to bleed. That is why you see the blood in the stools. They will bleed to death. If you want to save them this is what you do. Take all food and water away from them. Keep them hydrated with Iv fluids. I use lactate ringers. You will have to do this several times a day. They make a shot that settles their stomach. I can't remember the name of it but you can get it from the vet. You give it under the skin. Also give them about 1cc of penicillin under the skin. This will help fight off any secondary infections. Do this for 3 or 4 days. If they make that long they will be fine. And it does not affect them the rest of their lives. They will grow up to be whatever they would've been if they had never gotten parvo. After about 3 days of treatment you can start with the gatoraid and water and get some food in them to pick them back up. You have to catch it quick in any case but if you will follow these suggestions you will save them.

Re: Parvo

I had a bad case hit me beginning of the year and we saved puppies that you would look at and write off doing just what Brain said and to this day you can't tell they were sick. Parvo is a strong strand of a stomach virus the way my vet put it where I could understand.

Re: Parvo

joe and hunter either you have not been in the hound business long or have not raised many pups. the man that posted about the bleach knows what he is talking about cause i have used it many times with sucess. mix 1cc bleach with 2cc water give it down the throat twice a day for three days, it kills the virus and bacteria in the pup but do not give them any other water until you see a improvement in them.

Re: Parvo

Do what yall want but the Dmso worked and the eltralytes but I guess everybody else has there own remedy but for me ill keep useing it

Re: Parvo

Your not telling all the story parvo
virus affects the heart too!!!

Re: Parvo

My advice is dont listen to some of these folks i know some people has their own ways but call your local vet

Re: Parvo

If your gonna give them bleech you might as well give them 1 cc of diesel fuel wow i heard it all lmao some of these people should work for nasa or maybe they have the cure for aids and cancer lmao