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just wondering if any of you good ole boys fans of those high dollar teams are paying any attention to my low budget redbirds.???

Re: baseball

Dick, The Toronto Blue Jays who are astounding fans and followers have a number of high-caliber starters available. They may be, uh, slightly scuffed up at the moment but are high-end flingers.
We might consider taking back a couple green kids like Wacha and Tyler-somebody who I see has won his first two starts. Oh, that Tavares kid looks like excess baggage. Would you consider a solid vet like Raja Davis. He'd put some wings back on the Red Birds.

Re: baseball

i think i,ll stand pat for a while

Re: baseball

Dick, Final offer -- experienced ML starter -- Ramon Ortiz -- fourty years old but in great shape. Did I mention experienced? Slight elbow problem, but nothing significant. We'd take back that Adams kid at first. Looks like a good AAA player we could use at Buffalo.

Re: baseball

Hey Dick this is Reddot would you call me229 805 7465 or leave me a number to call

Re: baseball

dont think i will make any changes right now two darn much fun watching these kids..
DOT, didn,t see your post til to late to call ya,will call late this evening.

Re: baseball

Dick, It's kind of like running hounds you raised from pups or hounds you bought at maturity. It's probably a safer bet to buy the good hound at a good price, but not quite the same kick as watching pups start and come on and hoping that this one is THE ONE.
Blue Jays had a system comparable to Cards. Traded a lot of it away in an attempt to win now. Folks who were calling Anthopolous a genius a few weeks ago are calling him something else now. Probably the worst trades in history involve trading a load of coal for a load of ashes -- See Chicago Cubs- Brock for Broglio.
Starting pitchers have been falling like trees in a twister up in Toronto. Not something you can do much about. Biggest disappointment to me is that there has been virtually no running game. Reyes has been out; ditto Raj Davis; Bonafacio can't buy his way on. Also manager has been playing station to station and it has bit him on the butt with double plays that could have been avoided by starting the runner.
Stat heads that figure out running game isn't effective don't figure in double plays that don't happen; pitches that miss the strike zone cause he's hurried and errant throws because of the pressure.
Two walks and a three-run homer is effective baseball but pretty dull to watch.

Re: baseball

Dick & Eric, Long time no see. Hope your both doing well. Just be thankful you don't live here in "Royals" country!

Re: baseball

Bob,Things looked great for KC early in the season but they've sure dropped off. For a few years now people have been waiting for Hosmer, Moustakas, Perez, Cain etc. to light it up.
The big right hander from the Rays has been all they hoped for, but as usual, the rest of the staff looks pretty hopeless. At least your Royals didn't gut the farm system and spend millions to under-achieve.

Re: baseball

bob and dorthy i,am doing good hope things the same your way,plan on being at ill state be good to see ya if you are there,take care.

Re: baseball

you are right about the baseball some of the time all is good other times its all in the tank seems like no happy median.
on your thought at the top about hounds,i prefer the ones i raise its a lot of fun and you learn from your mistakes.