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Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Well as for alabama boy ( which u are a boy, just not from alabama) I appreciate ur concern on my breeding ,but if u check the records there is a lot of big hunts won and placed in the last few years off oak ridge Ronnie !!! Not counting the hunts that redmans pups have did good in !!! That all originated because I breed and raised both! Redman is off of Ronnie's full sister! She is bred now and so is redmans full sister so I hate to tell u there will be some more soon ! I see it troubles u deeply that ur dog trading and selling program is not working out for u! Maybe u should do like me and take psychotherapy ! It's fun I promise. Last week I was real good and they let me color with real crayons! ( I was not allowed to use them for awhile cause I subconsciously thought they was colored French fries and kept eating them, in my sessions)! As for as my gyp having pups yea hate to bust ur bubble but it's true!!! Still has two out of four!!! And yea it's hard to stay in a reality realm in this fox hunting world!!! But being abducted by aliens was the best thing that has ever happened to me ! U see when I was strapped down to that cold steel metallic table and being probed and violated, It somehow mentally conditioned me to deal with idiots like u! I was implanted with a anti-walker cybor bio chip in my anus and I think it has ur picture on its memory , i will check! The leader of the three aliens that I have established a friendship with is called futaze ! I'm going to name a July after him in memory of u! He promised me in the future he would share some DNA alternating secrets with me in the canine gene pool ! Can't wait to have a green July get u emotionally disturbed ! Remember stay tuned for a future July called futaze!!! In special memory of my outer space intergalactical love for u !!!!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Lmao . Mr Brian you ain't right but I hope the therapy works for you . Lol

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Tiny cant u tell by his reply it's not working

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

U know for some reason i kinda believe him!lol

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Well bama he did say that they started him on some new meds and therapy maybe it takes a while to start working. Lmao

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

There isn't any medicine to help him.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Going in the swamp tonight, plan on roasting marshmallows with Bigfoot ! We get together once a month , have a Bonn fire listen to some julys bootle around! He's a little shy , he's actually a descendant from giganthapithadis ! But he understands me, and to me that's priceless! Everyone needs that special someone!! Thanks for all the support , thinking about having a looney hunt soon for all my supporters, it will be so much fun !!! Got to go now ,at my gynocologist! (but that's another story) all my love!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

I used to hear stories about old July men who acted insane to draw a crazy check. I hope you're drawing one, Brian because I know you ain't as crazy as you put on.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Lmao.....u aint right!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

I agree totally my paperwork says psychotic disorder ! Which means a acute detachment from reality! Seldom delusional,paranoia,and also reaching a realm of hallucinations! And severe schizophrenia , which means its hard for me to tell whats real and what's fantasy ! But at least I don't sleep most of the day and stay up most of the night watching porn, trying to secretly hide my gay tendencies, which seem to be a constant struggle! Also not ever cutting the umbilical cord which supports me and getting my own life!im sorry I also struggle with a gift of telekinesis given to me by my alien friends!!!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

The truth hurts! They can't figure out how Brian has placed 2 dogs in the top 6 ! One of them which has a bucked ankle placed 4th at this hunt and the 6th place gyp is the same gyp that he placed 4th in the last circle 16 hunt and had 4 pups the next day after the hunt and placed her 6th two weeks later. Bucked ancke and a Brood gyp ! Lol! Ofcourse the dog that won the hunt racked up a lot points "In the BACK" ???? You know "the BACK!"where a lot of dogs win hunts . Which sam is really probably of Oak Ridge Smokey which is one of Brian's dogs! Hmmm! Y'all are lucky that he half a##s his program! Bc if he kept a tight ship and didn't have any bad luck you would have to cheat a lot harder than what y'all have been to compete with him! Thank you Mr Larry Robinson and circle 16 pen! I think you did a fine job and had a good hunt! The ones that are on top now are soon to fix n to have their hands full! One of the best dog breeder that has ever been is out of retirement after he got over a simular alien abduction has been taught more knowledge and got some stuff coming you'll have to weir depends on your butt because when they pull up and unload some of those tight built ******* diarreah go n to run down their legs! Happy hunting!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Lol truth hurts if I was you I wouldn't worry about dogs i would learn how to spell lol man you are stupid

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

wow just read this post I hope these hunters dogs are not as goofy acting as their owners if so I would cull all of them owners and dogs you guys act worse than kids no just mentally ill

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

O yea my alien name is Seth Garrett. Seth your running a close race with Brian. Best breeder my butt hurts both of y'all have lost it.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

I do not know ya'll but this **** is funny. I personally like going to roast marshmallows with BigFoot! Too funny

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

all this talk about being prodded and violated has me thinking "Truth Hurts" may have gotten the ole fudge packed while the UFO lites were off..dang man you sound like a fa..ggot !!!!one of the "Top" Breeders..REALLY?? breeder of little kennel boys maybe..(you know,gay tendencies and all)but lets evaluate the possibility....Pink T and Yellar T all bred raised and trained by Wig..not Brian..still taking credit for Wigs dogs..and who is this imposter Oak Ridge Ronnie ?? whelped in 2001, think I was leasing the pen then where you kept all the wore out bread eaters..I did see this imposters alleged sire though..i remember his tail look like a giant tootsie roll cause he couldn't stand up to sh..t.. maybe one of your abductors prodded him to and used a megablaster sperm retractor to withdraw any live ones he had left..but what to do with the miracle ji..zz ?? i know,,have the phantom gyp with the swollen cat circle over the dog yard waiting for the megablasters ingredients and "POOF", gone before I fed up the next day..i was always confused why none of them gyps you got from durwood was never bred to this super sire..i mean,,they were there prior to the phantom gyp..you should have laid hands on their womb,,maybe more miracle pups !! a few of the July Breeders called that seen this 11 yr miracle hound and wondered how at 11 he had a mouth full of clean pearls..i told them you posessed a fountain of youth..all you needed was pond water,penicillin,and bunny bread..LOL..Oak Ridge Smokey,,bred raised and trained by Bud Davis,,not Brian Lamey..and be carefull while telling everyone else to cut the umbilical while yours is securely attached to the state of ms..complete use of all limbs and capable of driving all over for azz whippens..dued really,,jus say thank you..I see you placing a few at Circle 16..where else ?? I know you've had numbers to several but no showed..i was looking forward to experiencing this wealth of knowledge your kennel boy is so excited to defend..lets go hunting again like the old days..i miss all them stories about how you got cheated in this hunt and that hunt..all I got is some young plugs that will quit under pressure..a real confidence booster for any Pink or Yellat T's you want to promote..be waiting for your call..very truly yours..

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Hey Brian talking about no show least they didn't come to a hunt and turn around and leave the pen cause they got scared. O I forgot she was bred hahaha Wat a joke. Not one of them dogs at circle 16 just had pups u sent

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Does Oak Ridge Ronnie have some of Durwood's breeding in him?

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Go back to Ark and get u a load dog trader Dennis

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

a nonamer,,what a surprise..i recently acquired a few "puss" with noname..you care to try em ? you mus be the kennel boy with the sore lower extremities.. or maybe jus fudge mouth LOL..have a nice day Ps..scoop that poop boy,,he might give you a busted pup..

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Who you calling his kennel boy?

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

you ever hear of if the shoe fits wear it

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

This is the real Seth Garrett, the other posts aren't mine. The number 6 dog that placed 8th in this hunt is GAs Little Oklahoma and she is off of (GAs High Beam X GAs Oklahoma). Me and A.F. would like to congratulate everyone that placed and Thank Mr. Larry for a fine hunt. Hoping to do a little better next time. Happy hunting to all!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Ummmmm think someone needs to check out the dairy barn results .....looks like to me them green julys stuck micro chips in a bunch of dogs asses today....jus sayin......

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

You need to get a dog that can get in a race before you go running your mouth just saying keep sucking up keep believing them lies

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Looks like Dennis has shut the lies up bc no more non sense post since, but its funny bc it has become the joke of fox hunting.. Everyone at every hunt talks bout and wonders what lie and to what extreme is coming next... Dog didn't implant nothing at dairy barn tommy I can promise that no hard running at all.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Bama i aint studyin u!big buddy that lil 70 gave ol sam all he wanted better hope he dont trip...........

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

U been dying to say that a 70 was in top 10 an we been waiting for u to but he could have tripped quite a few times for her to score 200 points... Is it that rare of an occurrence that ones in the top 10 that your so eager to respond an show it???? Haha I understand your excitement....

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Bama like i said i aint studyin u! All the action u get is on the internet because u dang sure cant raise no good pups hell u cant even buy no good pups!sooooo keep up the good work as big creeks kennel boy and holdin on to dewaynes shirt tail ! And between me and you i personally think you make dewayne a good secretary .......keep up the good work !

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Well no Dennis have not stoped jack just tired of him tryin to walk in Brains shoes glad urfeet stink Brain maybe he will get out of them.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Please get a life Dennis , we all know your jealous of real hunters , go hide from the law bud !!!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

to cry cry, you remind me of the fat albert character mushmouth..if typing your rant helps with your phonics please continue..reading your post is painfull..to PLEASE,,i am not a "real hunter"..i am a fake one and i run make believe hounds..think I will just cry..i did fight the law and you guessed it,,the law won..thanks for caring..sincerely

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Sounds like to me denis has had an encounter with them lil green people too!lol

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

no green ones tommy but a lot of yellow ones..

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt


Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

U lameys has got to stop talkin about all these green and yellow lil people and probein and stuff! Yall done messed bamas head all up! His head cant handle all that talk.i saw him the other day followin every one that had a green shrit on around thinkin it would make his dogs run faster......

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt



Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Tommy quit worrying bout me I don't believe nothing u or your alien friend says... Yal both are idiots the stuff Yal believe together but one thing is for sure an u can take the check to the bank, u gonna be scratching your head saying what happen... I'm gonna be at every hunt u at this year except any down in latimer.... That 70$ mouth is gonna be shut an then u gonna have to ask Brent to buy u a new dog... He bought u a stud dog, give u all ya brooders, give ya a dog box, a GPS machine, a stud dog, u tore down all his pens to build yours, what else could u ask for besides Brent's shirt tail????? Sounds like u a good SECRETARY

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

On our planet the word Bama means anal irritation. This can be derived from three ways. 1 messing with smokin s 2. Running with smokin s. 3. Counting on getting a envelope when smokin s shows up. Hey why don't u try to increase your education. Try starting out with pre-school and work your way up. Or better yet smokin s will school you the proper way.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

DID BAMA SAY!? " that he cant compete with Tommy and those 70$ down at Latimer?" He could be just worried about running against Tommy and Seth Garrett AKA" The Kennel Boy"? ...... There might not be room in the top 10 for him!!? Come Back!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Anybody with common sense knows not to go down there. You got to beat the pencil the dogs that belong to Brian while he scores them and his kennel boys tommy Seth.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Tommie you and Brian want to run that mouth i tell you what y'all two pick your best 5 and we will bring 5 head to head any where you want will put up a 1000$ y'all put a 1000$ ones with the most first place crossings after 3 hrs winner takes all shut up or put up punk

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

I like that idea bring it to byrds the pen that is the fastest in ms.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Dwayne ...... You might be right?... You got an Alligator mouth and an Elephant a%%! The brood gyp will put it on ya!.....again!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

That gyp ain't had no pups no time soon I can promise you that if you belive that crap you are crazier then the one telling the lies she might beat me she must be a good gyp not taking anything away from that but I am man enough to put my name so put up or shut up is all I can say punk

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Dewayne u the only one I know can place a dog and it not leave the cast!!! It's funny how u can take people's money, but get a little sore when u start to donate. U want to shut my mouth feel free, but don't forget Zac-bar and nip-nips force is always with me!!! Lol!! You want a lot of people to bow down and worship you as a fox hunting god, but remember the ten commandments !!! Thou shalt have no other gods before him!!! I love fox hunting and getting stupid in a fun way ,but I refuse to succumb to your game! My days in this world are getting shorter,and I refuse to let ignorance trouble me! So my advice to you is continue to build your own fantasy world , because your definitely a legend in ur own mind!!! Love u cream puff !!!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

So guess that's a no then so you and Tommie can shut your mouths next time you want to call Larry Robinson and talk about my dog after he beats you in a hunt why don't you call me you coward you can keepy name out of your mouth I am pretty sure your the no name punk that got on here calling me a thief under a fake name Brian diseas crazy or not I will slap the stupid out of you if you run your mouth to me I have had enough dont try to quote scripture to me

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Remember David and Goliath !!! Ive been to the gates of hell and back and are looking forward to it, the question is what happens if all don't go according to ur fantasy! Lol!!! You might need to check my history before you go to slapping! I really have legit papers and would love to visit my friends again in the asylum ! U see if I was good they would put me in a padded room and let me play basketball by myself with my imaginary alien friends! So what u would call hell I call home!!! Big bubba would love a big cream puff like u, See I've been violated by aliens from space and earth so ur the least of my worries! Step 14 of mental rehab is overcoming ones inner anger! As far as challenging me the kennel boy done took care of that!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Dwayne ....! Let your dogs do the talking. No need for violence! When your dogs can't do the talking then you want to resort to fighting! Kinda like a redneck! When a redneck can't win an argument he tends to want to fight....He beat you on even pencils with a brood gyp fair and square! Yall called him out to come to bring the brood gyp to the dairy barn and he handed you an old fasion butt whipping! Now you want to slap!? Childish! Your days on top are numberd! Your coat tail is gona get thinner besides the coat itself! It's shameful that you are tring represent True Speed And Drive Kennels! You need to take some notes from the guys that built speed and drive! Byrd, Valentine, Harper, Bishop, Hurley, The Hales, Ainsworths, Stonecipher, Welborn , Hemphil, Kidd, Davis, yes and Brian Lamey! You young bucks have been diddy bopping around South Mississippi and Louisiana petty penny pinching penciled hunts! Snakes that haven't shed their first skin yet! Days are #d! You'll get your challenge soon enough!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Dwayne ....! Let your dogs do the talking. No need for violence! When your dogs can't do the talking then you want to resort to fighting! Kinda like a redneck! When a redneck can't win an argument he tends to want to fight....He beat you on even pencils with a brood gyp fair and square! Yall called him out to come to bring the brood gyp to the dairy barn and he handed you an old fasion butt whipping! Now you want to slap!? Childish! Your days on top are numberd! Your coat tail is gona get thinner besides the coat itself! It's shameful that you are tring represent True Speed And Drive Kennels! You need to take some notes from the guys that built speed and drive! Byrd, Valentine, Harper, Bishop, Hurley, The Hales, Ainsworths, Stonecipher, Welborn , Hemphil, Kidd, Davis, yes and Brian Lamey! You young bucks have been diddy bopping around South Mississippi and Louisiana petty penny pinching penciled hunts! Snakes that haven't shed their first skin yet! Days are #d! You'll get your challenge soon enough! By someone!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Some people have to be told twice when they are living in a Fantasy!

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