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Re: Missouri Flooding

Coach the news was talking about the amount of rain we have recieved over the last couple days I didn't catch all of it but it's either we have recieved more rain up to now than we did last year or these past storms produced more rain than what we got up to this point last year. All I know is where I live the river is the highest I have ever seen it with no current due to the lakes holding the water to try and protect some different locations with highly populated housing direct off the water. Wild Stuff
Tonight the news can't pin point where the blunt of this storm will track but they are leaving us hanging saying that we have a chance to get up to 6 inches more between now and friday afternoon

Re: Missouri Flooding

Wow. I know it must be hard to deal with. I can't believe that we are getting this much rain at this time of the year. Hope you stay afloat. We have been lucky up to this point. Good rain but just enough and not much flooding. Wonder how the guys with pens are doing with all of this. Have you heard of anyone having washouts?

Re: Missouri Flooding

It is the same way here in south central Kansas, we have had as much rain the last month as we had in all of 2012. Our lake and ponds are full for the first time in 3 years. I am sure I will have to fix water gaps as soon as it goes down, but thats ok. with me.

Re: Missouri Flooding

Dry as bone here,just like last year but cooler

Re: Missouri Flooding

We have gotten just shy of 5 inches here since about 4 this morning. Came a gully washer late this afternoon. Pen fence still standing... so far......I have garden stuff ruining because its so muddy I can't get in to take care of it. Goin to try to keep from complaining though. Where do you live Ray?

Re: Missouri Flooding

talked with Alan Kearbey yesterday, at the Big Valley pen, says so far his pen doing ok. there having some time between storms allowing time for run off.

Re: Missouri Flooding

Jerry, Give me a call when you leave hunt Sat if you can and give me an idea when you will be home. I will either come get dog Sat afternoon or Sunday if ok..

Re: Missouri Flooding

Coach I live in North Mo.

Re: Missouri Flooding

Oh. I didn't realize ya'll hadn't been getting all of this too. Would gladly send you some if I could. Just finished using shop vac on basement after it flooded. Waiting on next round. We got a little over 5 inches on Thursday and more yesterday. Lots of folks got way more than that...