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Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Dewayne u the only one I know can place a dog and it not leave the cast!!! It's funny how u can take people's money, but get a little sore when u start to donate. U want to shut my mouth feel free, but don't forget Zac-bar and nip-nips force is always with me!!! Lol!! You want a lot of people to bow down and worship you as a fox hunting god, but remember the ten commandments !!! Thou shalt have no other gods before him!!! I love fox hunting and getting stupid in a fun way ,but I refuse to succumb to your game! My days in this world are getting shorter,and I refuse to let ignorance trouble me! So my advice to you is continue to build your own fantasy world , because your definitely a legend in ur own mind!!! Love u cream puff !!!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

So guess that's a no then so you and Tommie can shut your mouths next time you want to call Larry Robinson and talk about my dog after he beats you in a hunt why don't you call me you coward you can keepy name out of your mouth I am pretty sure your the no name punk that got on here calling me a thief under a fake name Brian diseas crazy or not I will slap the stupid out of you if you run your mouth to me I have had enough dont try to quote scripture to me

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Remember David and Goliath !!! Ive been to the gates of hell and back and are looking forward to it, the question is what happens if all don't go according to ur fantasy! Lol!!! You might need to check my history before you go to slapping! I really have legit papers and would love to visit my friends again in the asylum ! U see if I was good they would put me in a padded room and let me play basketball by myself with my imaginary alien friends! So what u would call hell I call home!!! Big bubba would love a big cream puff like u, See I've been violated by aliens from space and earth so ur the least of my worries! Step 14 of mental rehab is overcoming ones inner anger! As far as challenging me the kennel boy done took care of that!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Dwayne ....! Let your dogs do the talking. No need for violence! When your dogs can't do the talking then you want to resort to fighting! Kinda like a redneck! When a redneck can't win an argument he tends to want to fight....He beat you on even pencils with a brood gyp fair and square! Yall called him out to come to bring the brood gyp to the dairy barn and he handed you an old fasion butt whipping! Now you want to slap!? Childish! Your days on top are numberd! Your coat tail is gona get thinner besides the coat itself! It's shameful that you are tring represent True Speed And Drive Kennels! You need to take some notes from the guys that built speed and drive! Byrd, Valentine, Harper, Bishop, Hurley, The Hales, Ainsworths, Stonecipher, Welborn , Hemphil, Kidd, Davis, yes and Brian Lamey! You young bucks have been diddy bopping around South Mississippi and Louisiana petty penny pinching penciled hunts! Snakes that haven't shed their first skin yet! Days are #d! You'll get your challenge soon enough!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Dwayne ....! Let your dogs do the talking. No need for violence! When your dogs can't do the talking then you want to resort to fighting! Kinda like a redneck! When a redneck can't win an argument he tends to want to fight....He beat you on even pencils with a brood gyp fair and square! Yall called him out to come to bring the brood gyp to the dairy barn and he handed you an old fasion butt whipping! Now you want to slap!? Childish! Your days on top are numberd! Your coat tail is gona get thinner besides the coat itself! It's shameful that you are tring represent True Speed And Drive Kennels! You need to take some notes from the guys that built speed and drive! Byrd, Valentine, Harper, Bishop, Hurley, The Hales, Ainsworths, Stonecipher, Welborn , Hemphil, Kidd, Davis, yes and Brian Lamey! You young bucks have been diddy bopping around South Mississippi and Louisiana petty penny pinching penciled hunts! Snakes that haven't shed their first skin yet! Days are #d! You'll get your challenge soon enough! By someone!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Some people have to be told twice when they are living in a Fantasy!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Puh! Puh! Why don't you cry a little! "You"!"Next Time you want to go talk to Larry Robinson about my dog!" Puh! Puh! I think I can hear teardrops forming in your eyes reading your post! Ha! Cry a little! Just remember how many claps it took you to clap 9 spots down all the way to Brian's brood gyp Saturday! It felt like an eternity didn't it..? Clap! Clap! and then Cry! Cry! Get used to it! "Wheres Dwayne?" " Uh!? He had numbers but, couldn't make it! He had to lower his feeders and drinkers! He's getting ready for chickens!" That's going to be your excuse for now on because you'll get tired of donating money! You'll have other things start coming up on Saturdays besides hunting!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

I am done posting to stupid people who don't know there name the challenge has been laid out put up or shut up if the money is what scared you we can do it for just good ole bragging rights then all is invited to watch cause I ain't crying about getting beat been beat many times before and will again i am tired of them running there mouth my last post on this so you no namers can bash away on me

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

BRIAN BUILT SPEED AND DRIVE ???HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! are we counting puppy hunting with 2 yr olds..LOL.. you friggin idiot !!! whos really the legend in their own mind.. you must control your emotions brian..losing track of time between posts is a dead giveaway !! You spouting BS has me thinkin you got the little man complex creeping back..maybe more roid injects will help you be a big boy again ..LOL.. lets be real,,your gyp won the 100 yd dash at dairy barn..she got her azz blistered where they can stretch out the week prior..Enough Said !! and the tough guy act is boring !! gates of hell and wtf ever else you rambled on about..the only openings you been to is the mailbox opening for another piece of my hard earned welfare tax and the refrigerator..LOL..do stay in touch and let everyone know where your headed next(circle 16)..don't play dodgeball now that you got her bag all sucked up..(and she jus had pups) WHATEVER !!!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt




Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Well? At least Dennis you can't never say you didn't ever support some winning hounds!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

cmon well,,ive done ok this year..give a brutha credit..you do sound as if your diapers full though..maybe your kennel master will loan you a dishtowel or has some spare feminine products for your flow and cramps..LOL

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Dewayne,dewayne,dewayne!i'd rather hear a fat woman fart than a grown man cry!why you start on me big buddy?i aint said a word to you or about you are your best and fastest dog in south ms,as you say!are you still worried that im gonna pee on you?
I done told u that i was jus pickin on u ,that i wouldnt pee on u!and as for bama bless his lil green shirt chasein heart,he spends thousands of dollars tryin to beat my 70's every year that as he says was gave to me and he still cant do it!bama if u will get u a pair of green pants i think u will c a big difference!lol

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Tommy I'm done responding to u everyone around here knows u an what u do, if you would like to see all the text on my phone from people talking bout how dogs get to u an your program I'll show it to u , I will say u beat me a couple times this year with some pups I bought to run bc I just started back running an I didn't raise any but I did place mine an u were only few points ahead of me but prior years you never have, waxed lily every time with black boy then u wanted buy him so u would have something bc LILLYs age had run out baby t skull drug u everywhere u tried to go... That's just to name a few but like I said no sense in talking to someone who's a champion in their head an their head only hahaha... But I did raise some this year an I'm coming everywhere u go ol buddy, hopefully u can get u some fox an get ya pen going before 2020 maybe it will help u.... Lololololololol one more thing we can go run and you bring your dogs an I bring mine and we'll do dollar crossings or more if u would like or we can jus do bragging rights... U let me know when u want to or if not ill find out what hunts u going to an I'll be there... So I'm not responding to u unless u want to run or ill see ya at a hunt I getting ya either way

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Yeah yeah bama ! Dewayne,just who was you talkin about slappin in that post?

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Dewayne ill take ur bet!....at oak ridge pen! I got my 5 picked out.lameys kennel boy,seths gyp,coles gyp,my white gyp and 2 of lameys .now whats up?

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

When ever you want but I see you picked a pen that all them get in run in every week so I say lets go to terry bryds but if not you name the time and date 1000$ or you scared glad you got to Borrow dogs to try to get in a race why don't you pick 5 you and lamey own not somebody else's

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

I bet u do want to have it where y'all's dogs was born and raised. Go to terry byrds the real fastest pen in ms. He probally want let y'all idiots or the punk no where by his pen anyway.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

When is the challenge going down?

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

The scope of work has been laid out on the table! We can partner hunter with hunter so it won't be any pencil talking! The bet was anywhere on the land. Any pen. Can Big Creek not handle the fields in oak ridge! Terry Byrd can be the master hounds if it will make you feel a little more comfortable!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

U cant say u have a hound in a 60 acre pen. Come on now. There is a hunt coming up in Alabama y'all take it there

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Dwayne said! Dwayne big creek knl
Aug 12, 2013 - 10:31PM
Quote Reply Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt
Tommie you and Brian want to run that mouth i tell you what y'all two pick your best 5 and we will bring 5 head to head any where you want will put up a 1000$ y'all put a 1000$ ones with the most first place crossings after 3 hrs winner takes all shut up or put up punk! HE MADE THE BET! NOW BACK IT UP!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Borrow? Why not bring some 70s!!! Tommy you think you have better hounds than Dewayne. Show the rest of us you do!!! How many hunts did Big Creek win last year? How many hunts did Smoking S win?

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

I said time and date will be there but if that's not good enough here's where will be at the next few hunts stud dog pairs hunt this sat at the crying range and the 4 hr and the 3 hr in Alabama in sept and oct so when ever you want if you two can find time to quit probing each other

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Your the one who's going to get probed! When you come to OAK RIDGE!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Hey big buddy u told me to pick 5 dogs and a pen and i did! Now put up or shut up!and u like gettin them kennel buddys with big mouths dont ya!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt


Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Time and date is all i need so come on I done said it a couple times when you want to do this

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Smoking S I just want to compare your record to Big Creeks record. I might need to come get some of them 70s ... No hard feelings intended!!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Fact is they can do it to you tommy, anyone can... Bama was right everyone knows your game an your level of doing things... It's bad when 1 of the 5 is yours an u talk so much noise ... U prob don't have the 1000$ to back it up that's y u getting other people involved to help pay your debts

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Fact is they can do it to you tommy, anyone can... Bama was right everyone knows your game an your level of doing things... It's bad when 1 of the 5 is yours an u talk so much noise ... U prob don't have the 1000$ to back it up that's y u getting other people involved to help pay your debts

And you don't have a name to back yourself up either I guess, when u find your name mabey they will let you join them and you can put 1000$ up for your dogs?

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Tommy was they ever five dogs off of 70 worth competing for a challenge like this

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Hahahahahaha only ones I seen 747 owned nothing he's raised for sure

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Fact for u,maybe or maybe not,ill let u wonder about that but the fact is i got nuts to stand by my name u chicken ****! P-town i dont even know u but since u asked go back and check all them hunts dewayne won and see how many of them dogs was really his.....do ur homework and see how many of them god all mighty cash pups come 2 and a half points from winning the world cup....one of my 70's did that i raised and trained....when u find out all them facts come see me and well see about gettin u a couple of these 70's pups.and no hard feelings taken! Dewayne ,big buddy, like i said b4 i aint studyin bama!i think u will be alot better off if u trade bama in on a pet monkey asap!!! Have a,nice day!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Man I was being sarcastic about having a 70!!! I like the Record Cash has and have had some good results so for with his pups. What is mighty 70s Record?

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Well mrs smoking s I mean mr,,, is 70 a male or gyp? Never heard of it an especially what your saying its done.... Just trying find out if its a dog or gyp? Any help would be greatly appreciated .... Has it ever won a hunt? What's its pups doing? What's World Cup mean also?

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Tommy since when do 3 day hunts have half points. I forgot you and lamey make your on rules and if I can recall the last derby at circle 16 there were 5 of the top 10 off of cash can you say that about 70? How many $125,$200 hunt winners has 70 produced? Big Creeks name has been called out last a lot more than smoking s. Records stand and big creek has one hell of a record

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt



Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Big creek and p-town why yall worried so much bout 70 and my pups anyway?yall need to be workin on yalls dogs gettin them in TOP NOTCH shape !lol

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Replying to
P-Town (Josh Sullivan )
Aug 13, 2013 - 5:05PM
Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt
Tommy since when do 3 day hunts have half points. I forgot you and lamey make your on rules and if I can recall the last derby at circle 16 there were 5 of the top 10 off of cash can you say that about 70? How many $125,$200 hunt winners has 70 produced? Big Creeks name has been called out last a lot more than smoking s. Records stand and big creek has one hell of a record

May want to check there kennel partner record to keep your hounds close you may be next

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

I know of two gyps in there day that are off of seventy that where hard to deal with when they showed up but that's about it off of him that I know that has been winners.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

We wish Kelly and Larmie was still with you , we loved kicking Kelly evey hunt !!!!!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

All I can say its hell being famous . Lol. Keep up the good work fellows and let us know when this show down takes place I just want to watch and sell tickets and sell tissues

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Well I've figured it out, from what everyone is saying an from my research all the dogs off 70 is getting its traits from the gyp... As few as I see in the results that's got to be the circumstances... 70 is not reproducing

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Tiny the way i look at it as long as they talkin about me they giving some one else a break! Besides i like to see jus how mad i can get dewayne and bama b4 they start cryin like too lil girls! Lol

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Well you can breed to the cash hound and for 3 solid hours you can look at your pups standing at the gate! And they will still place in the top 10 ! Imagine that!!!!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Cash can't reproduce he is just being called the sire of the ones they win with

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

My opinion Cash dont have to ever throw nothing hes been more successful than any other hound yall have posted about in the field

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Word on the street is big creek james is the one that doin all the producing and the red dog is gettin the credit for it!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

I think this would be bigger than DUCK DYNASTY if there was more (ALIEN TALK). I can't stop checking this post! If ya'll need representation give me a post! Good Stuff

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Enough of this nonsense on message board.

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