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Re: Please help

Safe Guard

use small tube per dog,

set ring to 440lbs
give it to him or her 3 days in row
dog be slick and looking good in no time

Re: Please help

to Larry or anyone else needing drontal plus I sell a generic drontal plus that I buy in bulk from $1 to $2 a pill I have given it to beagles, foxhounds, and many other dogs it is without a doubt the broadest spectrum wormer available

Re: Please help

What is ur number?

Re: Please help


Re: Please help

Do u have 2 hold their feed when worming with the safeguard

Re: Please help

Kyle , the one I use are generic Drontal Plus also. They are called Prazivet Plus and are manufactured in India. They come in a box of 20. Each pill will worm 22 lbs of dog. I give my hounds 2 1/2 pills every 3 months and 1/2 cc of ivermectin once a month and have zero worm problems. I

Re: Please help

larry who do you order your pills from..id like to try em

Re: Please help

No when using safe guard you don't have to hold feed....

Re: Please help

Dennis , Royalpetmeds.com is where I get mine. Just ordered 140 tabs for 157.00 including 10.00 for shipping

Re: Please help

I give my dogs every month- 1 cc of ivermectin under the skin. used equax-max paste to get all other worms such as tapeworms and hook-worms. had a female check this week by vet and she was clean on all worms.

Re: Please help

I get $100 per 100 pills and $5.15 shipping and handling for the same pills royal pet meds sells I buy 1000's of these pills a year is why I can sell them for better price 501-215-9514

Re: Please help

Kyle , that's an excellent price , I will definitely get in touch when need more. I'll send some more folks your way , I'm always being asked what I worm my dogs with , when I tell them they always want some and I end up giving half of what I ordered away. They definitely work better than anything else out there that I've tried in years.

Re: Please help

Mr husser how much equimax do you give each dog? Thanks