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Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

I can tell you this. You better get used to seeing my name because I will be around for while. No Name post is usually the hunters who are donating on the weekends!!! Tommy if that was not you I apologies for what I said.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

U say that but at circle 16 a dog smoking s sold almost beat yall that dog had never been there before so with out that home feild advantage I do believe y'all would have been clapping so like I said sit down an listen u may learn something if u pay Attention in this post alone u would have learn something

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Who is P-Town you ashamed of your name or you scared somebody my call you out Punk!!! My record is not to bad at speed and drive for know longer than I been in it.. Yeah I probably hurt your feelings a few times. It is not hard to see I been listening or I would be clapping like your self Boy!!! Why don't we get together and you show me what good hounds look like

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Howard no need for all that.i said in other post i aint scared to stand beside my name!all this stuff dont bother me at all.i just like ****** off dewayne and water head i mean bama!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Hey water head, t-bone had to work saturday he was'nt even there!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

U know who I'm talking bout your new hero alien... Your heroes change often was Benny then Adam them quinton and now alien nip zac... I wouldn't slam tbone like that at all... I keep spending my money on all theses sorry dogs u talking bout I buy but I've quit an started saving money to send tbone to the dr to see what in the world is wrong with him for hanging with u

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

See bama u always talkin but make no sence!u know on second thought dewaynes gonna have to be slick to trade u in on a pet monkey cuz the way i see it the monkey is gonna be the better deal!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

At least u can teach a monkey tricks!lmao

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Think bama done got lock jaw!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Tommy u really are stupid, think u an Brian alien nip zac been in those open fields of his getting those shrooms... U can tell by y'all's actions an comments... 1 or 2 more and y'all are done for... Think that's what's wrong with yals dogs y'all been making tea and sharing it with them.. They act kinda burnt too haha

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Well good night peeps ! Till next time!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

tommy do you think you could dig around in your kennel and find 1 dog that can outrun bama. heard hes got a few over there that can roll

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

U see that is what I am talking about U DON'T HAVE A RECORD it is big creek not p town the hunt u won a old bay we all heard who got the dog ready an it was not u when u get a record then get on here an flop them lips until then when u want to talk raise your hand this will be the last time I post on here to try to get u to sit down an SHUT THE HELL UP

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

You do not know much then buddy!! Oh I must of walked away with your money. I got to admit I had them rite for Ole Bay. I figured I would be clapping for my buddy Dewayne. Sure was a good feeling counting all that money!!! Lol you probably have never had that feeling . I mean if you can not remember your name your hounds probably going hungry .

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Obviously 'who is p town' needs to get there facts straight before they bump there gums. The dog that won ole bay P-town raised from about 4 months old and yes we bought her from Dewayne, but he did not get her ready for no hunt. The dog was trained and RAN by P-town with the man that bought her for $4000. Can you ever say you trained one and sold it for that amount? Probably not you coward!! So before you bump them gums on something you know NOTHING about and go off what you HEARD...you might want to do your research!! YOU must be ashamed of who you are since you can't post your name, but can get on here and talk ****!! Obliviously you don't have anything that's ever out run P-TOWN!! I'm sure your one of the No namers that sit in the back at hunts, donate and clap a lot. So WHOEVER you are quit talking crap and do your research and quit going off what you heard or better yet quit worrying about what P-town and Big Creek are doing and SHUT THE HELL UP and sit back and listen and then maybe you will learn something and can compete with them. Obviously your jealous! One more thing quit being the coward that you are and use your name on your next post.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

I'll tell you who p-town is! P-town are what we call in the field trial world coat tail riders! They don't have really much going for them except they can be treated like Big Creek B-----s! Yes or Catfish! Bottom feaders! They are new bucks trying to make a name for themselves with Big Creek crumbs! They hide their dogs behind blankets like big creek does so they can run derby dogs in puppy hunts or letting other people run their dogs! P-town! The best thing for you to do is be a little more humble to get to run other people's dogs and be lucky to be able to be mentored by a halfway descent kennel like big Creek! Yes I hate to say it but they are a little more than above average! That's it. Quit kissing their a-- and be a little open minded! Don't be suckered into worshiping them! They get beat a lot. And fixing to be getting beat a lot more! Just don't start running your mouth early in your fox hunting career ! This is a cut throat business! Just remember that! This time next year you might want to have some Better hounds of your own. And if you don't burn any bridges you might can learn something and have your own good hounds! I've been watching your posts the last few months! You chime in arrogantly to defend Dwayne's honor! He's not a God in this sport! You'll find out he's not! Do stuff on your own! Work hard! Take a little advice from this no name hunter that you might to give you a good dog or let you breed to some real proven stud dogs! Just watch what you say! Don't burn bridges this early in the game!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

You all sound like a bunch of whiny idiots. I hope your hounds are smarter than you all are.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Alright, I have talked with my good busy Seth Garrett and we have decided that we will pair out 2 gyps together for a challenge to anyone, or it can be still as stated above 5 dogs from each kennel which consist of myself, Seth and AF, oak ridge , and slade against whoever at oak ridge pen. I wantin this for the fun ! For us all to get together shoot the **** and watch some good dogs run a yote so whose up for the challenge win or lose it will still be fun!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

we said 5 dogs and 1000.00 you in sir brian

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Please tell me y at alien hill. It's 60 acres and all of your dogs was raised there. That's like going to anybodys pen and trying to compete with them. Get real y'all take it to island creek when it gets busted loose where they can run in 600 acres instead of 60.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Sounds good to me! I think we need to be trying to keep this die n sport alive the best we can! I'm up for whatever Cole! You know me! Seth Garrett! AKA The Kennel Boy!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

I thought Dwayne said for us a to state a time and place. Well we stated the place! We can do our 5 dogs to 5 of Big Creeks! I'm very ok with the $1000! We said Oak Ridge and we will figure out a date that will be convenient for both party's ! Mine and Af s gyp hasn't run in Brian's pen but two times! And in his pen we can partner up with each other and get a lot of crossing! I want to see some good fast hounds run! I want to see a lot of crossing! So our offer to Dwayne's challenge is posted! And me and Af does not have much! We are just going to run a 12/29 pup! So y'all will have a big advantage over her!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Hot off the press!!!!!!!!!!! Challenge has been accepted. Big creek cleared up with attorneys and players union that the challenge is any 5 dogs of his choosing against kennel boy mrs Alabama alien from mars and alien from mars brood gyp mrs smoking sizzler. Big creek been in fantasy draft mode all night he has drafted Timmy breshears, jase Gatwood, brought nick out of retirement, top notch will add one, and heard thru the drones he mortgaged flock of chickens to buy him one from an anonymous breeder. Dates and time will be soon to follow. And in other news tommy was caught at peepers kennel looking for a red dog to claim was off of seventy. Until next time espn out.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Analyst! Tommy was at Peeper Dearmans house looking for a hound? The Kennel Boy!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

You would think how bad Brian talked about tommy and his dogs at the dairy barn he wouldn't have anything to do with him.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Haven't been on here in awhile just glad to see everybodys still getting along on here lmao

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt


Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Breaking news the lamey's have merged..... Dennis and Brian had a meeting today and have decided to combine kennels. It seems a great idea as Dennis knows all of Brian's dogs breeding and Brian seems to know how to win. This could be the revolution in fox hunting if this pair can only hunt in daylight hours so the ufo's don't intervene... It has also come to attention that P town kennels have broken FHA rules signing autographs without written consent from big creek more on that story to follow just stay tuned in this is getting interesting and we are only in preseason also tommy was reported at mobile greyhound park with his lawyers trying to DNA the greyhounds his side of case was there so FAST they have to be some offspring of the dependable the grease lightning the incredible the producing red 70

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

It aught to be $500 a dog at oak ridge everybody invited! Don't get scared now!!!!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

whats wrong with a neutral pen. how bout sandyhill..85 acres of fast and furious. can stand at the camp and score all you want and its neutral..why does it have to be oak ridge

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

you know espn guy you say that but that really would be a dangerous combo. love em or hate em they do get there. I have seen both lamey names place lot this year

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Because dewayne told ME to pick 5 dogs and the PEN! I did ! Put up or shut up! Man or mouse?

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

why is a neutral pen and hunters judge such a bad idea. if you really want to make it happen seems like only thing in the wey

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Well boys the 5th dog has been confirmed!it will be a 70! 747's gillette! And by the way p-town i did raise and train her!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Thats not what the deal was! they can man up or crawfish!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

i need to get in on some of this.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

I will accept you bring what ever you can scratch up Tommie date aug 31 cast 630 am run 3 hrs score the top 3 dogs in each crossing each one of us will pair up to judge after 3 hrs we will add all scores of each hound the knl with most combined points wins oh and I will not run muzzles that's out this is my last post on here of you want to set this up or talk more my number is 6012705167

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

There is a derby hunt at latmier aug 31 has to be after that! I say the first weekend of September because I will be at the hunt in alabama on the 14

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Tommy y'all don't put the date off much longer forgot tell u Gillette was breed to BIG CREEK CASH should be having pups second week of September.

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Latimer hunt???? What a joke... Yal want a challenge we coming to y'alls turf... What is it a invitational only or what? We coming there with no problems but y'all's man hood seems to dis appear when the no names bring up some other pen... But I sure would hate to own a dog I didn't have confidence in to carry anywhere... But we got it in ours we coming there for y'all... Y'all should really cancel that hunt bc the money that's gonna be there is just like a hunt.. Don't back out now... 3 groups of judges there when we do this too... Me dewyne an Howard split up with yals crew... None of y'all by yourself an none of us by ourself... We ready and one more thing, if y'all could find your man hood and not be scared we could go to sandy hill or terry byrds and we'll bump our part to 2000 if y'all win and we'll leave y'all's at a 1000 if we win, if this would bring your confidence level up but hey if not we good for coming there.... Let us know

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Your in luck he can't reproduce lucky you better keep a closer watch on your gyps

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Tommy u are smart for trying get her bc the ones 747 got are for sure the only ones I ever seen that's nice, I think the training come after they got her from u, and as I was just thinking I see y y'all's confidence level is down, it's the breeding program

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

do it tommie

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Dewayne u know good and well there is a derby hunt that day and all us got numbers to it ! Dont try to make us look like chickens cause we got a hunt that day!we will let u know the date!......bama u will never learn!go spend thousands of dallors on that josh dog of waltmans jus to try to out run my 70's.ur like a puppet on a string....i always got u jumpin lookin for a way out!......

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

I could care less about y'all's derby invitational you picked the pen I choose the date show up or shut up and next time you want to say you are bringing somebody else's dog why don't you ask them first oh wait that's just another lie

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt


Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

U know dewayne u used to could joke and pick with u but u done turned into a real ass crack! Guess thats what winnin hunts will do for some people!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

You know Tommie I used to love to joke and pick and winning hunts ain't got nothing to do with it it's the no name post you have put on here and admitted to posting and the shirt you had made its a pen owner calling me after a hunt telling me people calling him before he even gets home to bash on me so if I have become anything it's because of that Tommie I will say on here and front of everybody I apologize for some of my post towards you I let my anger get the best of me but I am sick of the crap I tell you what I won't post another thing on here about you I am done with it if y'all want to have the hunt the date is aug 31 like I said if not its over and done have a good life

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Tommy don't forget the thousands I spent on bones to from Dennis he's a nice dog to... But one thing is for sure I hope y'all don't back out bc none of us knew bout y'all's hunt downt there but even if y'all cancel ill bet u any amount of money your red gyp or your white gyp can't get in a race with either one of these 2 dogs I've done seen them two perform and that's a fact... So there's u a chance to try and get some more money... Tommy and I admitted to u placing a few times this year in front them pups I bought but I still placed them in the hunts but u won't admit that's the only time them 70's ever beat me and I can promise they can't now josh an bones them 2 multi thousand dollar dogs are waiting on u to challenge them.... Please ... I'm done put up or shut up

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Dwayne! This is Seth The Kennel Boy! I remember you said in your challenge to us "time and place"! Right? You knew we are having a derby hunt on August the 31 at Latimer! I posted it on here yesterday and plus You knew it because Jamie Welborn is bringing that Cash gyp ( Cover Girl )! You knew this before your offer today! I would expect you to stand by your offer! The offer you made to us on your first post of your challenge! I never would of figured that you would have said the 31 knowing that all of us were going to Latimer on that date! And you knowing it seems like you are using that date bc all of us have prior plans. I think you can come up with another date besides that if you really want to challenge us! You name a date other than 31 and ill have us clear our calendar especially for you! Do you think you can do that? I know you can come up with a more convenient date for all of us to have this fine run off! We are not scared! I'm putting up $500 and running a pup! And so is Cole! I hope you didn't say the 31 because you knew we already had plans and you knew we couldn't break them! Thanks! Let us know! The Kennel Boy!

Re: Results Circle 16 all age hunt

Seth you can say what you want to I didn't know about the hunt belive it or not me and Tommie have spoken on the phone we are straight but we can still have the hunt I have let y'all pick the pen guess let y'all pick the date crap guess you want to pick what dogs I bring to huh we are going to Alabama sept 14 I will not run the weekend before and after that hunt and Alabama again in oct so pick y'all a date that suits you and if you want to come by my knl and pick which dogs i run to I guess just call me and let me know when you want to do that to

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