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Re: New Fox Hunting Store

Thanks James for the kind words towards two retired people trying to do something is this kind of world. That was very RESPECTFUL. I RESPECT people that has MANNERS. It's something they are just starting and working with. I have been working a lot and my mother has had some issues with other things and hasn't been able to work everything out just yet. But they are going in that direction. I hope they are a success and get everything people would need one day. We are hunters and have been our whole lives

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

As a part owner of this small locally owned business I feel the need to comment as well. While some of our prices are slightly higher than the larger Jeffers store not all our products are. We have worked very hard to be competitive with the larger stores. However comparing our store to Jeffers is like comparing the local hardware store to Home Depot. Yes the prices may be cheaper at Home Depot but will you receive the same level of customer service? We work hard to ensure that all of our products are geared toward the American Fox Hunter. We will continue to add products that appeal to fox hunters from a number of different suppliers.

And yes we do donate to local field trials and will continue to do so. In fact we made donations BEFORE the store was opened. This is not just a business for our family but rather a way of life.

The bottom line is this. Would you rather support the large chain store of pet supplies that have items for every animal one can think of or would you rather shop at a store that you know will carry products that will work with your hobby and that is dedicated to doing everything possible to make your shopping experience the best possible?

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

Big Jim,
As I understand this you are providing this service to the local hunters as well as the hunters abroad.
I think that this service will help us and I will support you all that I can. I do not field trial anymore but my
son does and he will be getting his supplies from you. Thank you for helping the local hunters. Heath Howell
does not know what we go through to get supplies and I for one do not mind paying a little more to get my
stuff from a local vender.
Kevin Rogers.

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

The local store component will be really successful and will be a benefit to the hunters over there. It is only the online mail order side of the business I was referring to. We have a good local store in Custom Collars over here. I pay higher prices there all the time because they have hard to find stuff and I can walk in and get it whenever I want to. If you don't mind waiting for supplies to come in the mail you can find some good deals online.

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

K R thanks for the business I know mom and dad really do appreciate it. If there is anything they don't have on the link just call them and they should be able to get it there for you. They are just trying to get something out there for us.

Jimmy Eastman

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

Thanks James and Kevin for your posts !! The Bible says " Do not judge me until you have walked in my shoes " but they probably would not fit Mr.Howell . LOL!! Big Jim

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

" Do not judge me until you have walked in my shoes " Jimmy, I have read the Bible through many times and I can't find that scrip. I do know it is in there, though. Help me out here.

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

Heath you're being a dick. I don't know these folks but there was no reason for you to even open your mouth. If you found the prices to be higher go buy yours somewhere else. Sometimes it's just better to keep that big hole under your nose closed. Have a little courtesy to a fellow hunter.

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

I don't hide the truth. I share info freely with folks who are smart enough to listen. If your hunting buddy is thinking about buying a new truck for 25k and you know where there is another truck exactly the same in every way that only costs 20k, would you tell him or would you keep your hole shut? If I learn something I try to share it so everybody can benefit. If the audience doesn't want to accept the info then so be it. I would want someone to tell me about a better deal if I was about to waste my money. If I want to spend the extra 5k to help out the guy with the higher priced truck then that is my business but at least I have all the data to help me make the decision.

And what exactly is the difference between me posting my observations and opinions and you posting your observations and opinions about what I posted? We both thought what we had to say was worth saying and we both have people who will disagree with what we said.

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

howell,u are often wrong but never in doubt. thats a character flaw
u need work on . a wise man? is that you? a wise man. who believes that?

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

Heath you're still opening the hole below your nose. There's a difference between 5k on a truck than a small mom and pop operation charging 10 percent more for something that cost 5 bucks. No way can a small operation price match Jeffers. Did you really save someone their life savings by opening your mouth or did you put a negative spin on someone doing nothing more than trying to make a living? If you truly believe you did a noble thing I appogize but if you just did it because you like to read what type then back to my original comment , you are being a dick.

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

A wise man once told me something that I often have a hard time doing but now seems like a good time to share it. You and I both would serve ourselves well by reading this and probably practicing it. He said " Boy if you keep your mouth shut, nobody will know how stupid you are."

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

It's been a while since I've posted on here about something that really gets under my skin, but I just can't help myself on this one. Mr. Jimmy Eastman is a darn good man that's opened up this to try to make a living and at the same time help the local hunters be able to get their items close. You say you were trying to help your fellow hunters and are playing the Internet savings hero apparently, but at the same time, you just put down on a fellow hunters store where he is stepping out there and attempting to make an honest living doing something he loves that benefits his fellow hunters. I could say a lot more but I have a feeling I would be wasting my breath. There has been a few sayings posted on here and a good one comes to my mind while I read it. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. Sometimes that's not always the case, but it fits GREAT here. I know that if I need something, I would rather pay a couple of extra dollars and get it from someone who is a fellow hunter and who will be supporting hunts. Sometimes instead of trying to smooth talk your way out of a mistake, it's better just to apologize to the person you offended and be able to move on. There is no way you could convince yourself that it was the right thing to do to make that post. I have never met you before and odds are I never will, but I do believe that was the wrong thing to do when someone is trying to make a living at this. Good luck Mr. Jim. I'll be calling you when I need something. Will probably be after deer season. Between all of our handicap hunts and work, I won't be making any trials anytime soon, but I wish you the best at this!

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

Thanks for the good words JoJo !! It' s a great thing y'all do for those handicap kids , Always glad to donate to your program. Anytime we at Eastman's Kennels and Puppy Training Facility can help y'all let us know. Having a grandson with autism I know what a hard time they have in life. Thanks again and may God bless , Jim Eastman

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

Chip, apology accepted.

Jo Jo, if I didn't believe it was the right thing to do I would not have done it. I'm sure you believe just as strongly that it was not right. Agree to disagree. It takes all kinds.
Just as a man should build his house on rock and not on sand I think you have to hold to a set of principles that can not be undermined or else you find yourself on a slippery slope. Bearing witness to Truth and Honesty is a concept I cling to. Sometimes the bare facts can be uncomfortable for some people but we can not shy away from them. The facts themselves are neither positive nor negative. They just are what they are.

On a positive note, I think the Eastman's store has gotten some good publicity out of this discussion. Nobody has had to "btt" the post to bring it to our attention in a while. We are talking about it and more folks are hearing about it for the first time. I hope the store does enough business that one day they will be big enough to compete with the prices of the bigger stores.

In other news, you can save 15% on car insurance by switching to Geico!

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

howell its late, you better get to bed.its a school night.you sound like your in 8 th grade.leave these adults alone.

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

heath i will tell it like it is you're a dip****! and no this post is not what brought your status to be like that.it just adds to some of your other dumb comments on post. one day you will face someone at a hunt where you will be confronted for some of these comments and it may not be good on your part.

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

James, you are speaking your truth to the best of your understanding and I respect that. I wouldn't resort to name calling or get personal but if that is who you are as a person you have to be honest with yourself. One day I might be as smart as you but until then I will have to keep making "dumb" comments. The folks who like to talk about confrontation usually find they lack the fortitude when their opportunity presents itself. There can be consequences that make the confrontation too expensive to follow thru with.

Re: New Fox Hunting Store

"Just as a man should build his house on rock and not on sand I think you have to hold to a set of principles that can not be undermined or else you find yourself on a slippery slope. Bearing witness to Truth and Honesty is a concept I cling to. Sometimes the bare facts can be uncomfortable for some people but we can not shy away from them. The facts themselves are neither positive nor negative. They just are what they are."

Heath after reading laughing, rereading and laughing I find myself wiping tears. You really are an idiot. You should apply for a job within the Obama administration. They never take credit for doing something stupid instead the tell us how its all done for justice and inequality!You opened your mouth about a small business that can clearly not compete penny for penny with a multi-million dollar company and justify it with crap like that above? Dude it's alright to say yeah I guess I should've kept that to myself. Atleast to start with some folks where unsure whether you were an idiot or not, now you've left no doubt.