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Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

these judges score on fox and coyote. this a quality bunch of guys,just like at all the big hunts. outside with fox and coyotes. if you ever make the cut for last day you be member for life. nothin like it!

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American


Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American


Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

are there many fox and coyotes in the running area?this my first time .

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

lot of coyotes.

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

come be a part of the A.A.

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

The last time I was at grenda it was alot of deer also they give the dog benefit of doubt if they don't see the deer or deer tracks they score the dogs I judged the national in 2008 only seen one coyote an saw him twice the rest wasn't nothing but deer I saw 16 crosses the first day all deer but when u get back n the judges room u will see all kinds of speed n drive put up I dont understand it if the judges hustle they will see the game like I said great place to hunt but alot of deer I have not been asked to come back.. Since I didn't turn n many scores but if I see the deer it ain't gettin scored... It was as many deer that yr as I've seen at field trails... Jus my two cent

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

There will be judges there that turn in scores on coyotes and fox.There are always coyote and fox run every time with quality judges watching the hounds.To make a statement about a judges meeting and not being asked back is hurtful and not helping any body.
I hav been to both these hunts and seen many coyote and grey fox with good hounds after them. Many hunters hav seen it also.Sure there are deer run.But to make it sound like a man that wins these hunts won on deer is not true and insulting.

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

Well both hounds that won the futurity an the national ms outlaw an sugar camp McKenzie as far as all the hounds that placed in 2008 was deer at least 95% of the scores were deer I Was there....the hound 460 that won the speed an drive that yr could ride a yote the outlaw dog very classy the McKenzie dog nice dog moved good I seen here in the race wit the 460 dog but ran yote well I saw McKenzie in more deer races.... Jus sayin then when the chase an the horn cums out its the greatest hunt ever... It was good weather good scores the sheets were impressive but they were DEER...

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

Word has it there are plenty of fox & coyote in the area to run. Of course the deer will be there as well, but the AA has a well qualified group of judges to look at the hounds. Come on and run, there should be excellent running as well as great fellowship.

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

we go to near every hunt on the lake. yes there are deer. were are there not any on outside? that said, there is plenty and i mean plenty of coyote run in this area.more than you want if you got the right stuff.Only the best judges get to be at theA.A and national.Maybe that is why the man wasn't asked back since 2008.Two sides to a coin and a story.You will never be around better folks than the hunters at A.A. And yes there are deer and yes there are coyotes and fox.

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

Lmao best judges an people lol.. I wouldn't go back if invited back for one its 14 hrs away an they wanna cut down on expenses... Same master of hounds same judges so deer running will be scored at the A A.. Case closed aint to many judges hustlen in the woods they jus gettin to the dogs scorin the hounds giving benefit of doubt... Never seeing the game... Its a great place to hunt... The only coyote's getting run are the ones they turning loose... I'm sure when u hunt there on a sat nite an pleasure running wit 10-12 dogs u gettin after the rite game when u have 300 head the deer over power the rest of the game hope y'all have a great hunt.. Still got to have a great hound to place or win I never once said that wasn't the case jus Staten that there's a lot of deer.... All the post above never mention deer u til I brought it up..

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

Now everybody knows what kind of sportsman this guy is.Rip n on a hunt and set of judges is classless. Sometimes its best not post things you cant take back.See yal in Feb.

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

Well its not a junior hunt no one goes to the hunts to win the sportsmanship award they go to win the hunt correct me if I'm wrong... Jus sayin there will be deer running an sum will get turned in sum wont its part of outside hunting.. But classless *** on judge a hunt hustle see the game an get back N judges room an everyone has scores of deer running is hard to swallow when u kno u have seen dogs running the deer then give the stuff away an say a fox hound won this hunt when u as a judge no the truth... Not sayin that a fox hound wont win it but I'm sayin a good deer dog has jus as good of a chance... Ms. Hunter judge a few an u will see my point thats all...

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

i was the post that asked about the game in area.never been before. i hunt outside only and hav to deal with deer. my post was not to cause any mess with hunters about game.i am glad here coyotes are there. it is best to relax the subject. and i plan to be at my first AA.and plan on enjoying myself.agin best to drop the back and forth on the game.thank you.

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American


Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

Mr. Lillard,
With all do respect!

Let me get this straight, since you only saw one coyote, does that mean that was the only coyote ran?

You covered the WHOLE forest at the same time and saw every race?

as Forest Gump said "I can run like the wind Blows" but I can't score every race nor' see every piece of game! I highly doubt you can either.

Seems to me you are a very negative person and if YOU dont see it then it didnt happen!

I have been to several hunts in Grenada, and I find it hard to believe there was only one Coyote race! maybe you should let a judge that knows the place show you a few more roads to head dogs. Oh wait you havent been asked back!

Well Just my "two cents" worth, Good hearted people dont invite back negative, judgemental people!

Try being a little more positive and supportive and maybe you will be welcome more often!

And if its too far for you to go then why rain on others parade!!

I will pray for you as I do the anti dog hunters, that the good Lord will take the negativity from your heart.

Happy hunting to all and Good Luck hope you have many Fox/coyote races!!

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

Well I can say I judged the National there last time and several other times and scored on coyotes and fox. many crossings. as far as no hustle in these judges,I would say untrue.It sounds like some dont like trials outside anymore.

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

Thanks for the blessing radar I'm not sayin in six days of running they only ran 1 yote I said thats all I seen.. I seen more deer than NE thing I never said I did kno the place but I hustled an I was on deer it was prob 38 judges that yr an I was surrounded by at least a quarter of the judges at all times so I wasn't out the loop pocket to awful bad I'm jus sayin it was deer running deer scoring as far as being negative sorry I reckon just tellin it like I see it sometime truth hurts

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

Instead of negativity lets hear who is coming to the AA and who's your picks to win it. Should be a great hunt in a GREAT place...

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

Mr Lillard I will give you credit on one thing you don't hide your name like most!

As far as predictions "hunter". I would say Heath and Walt or Lisha Smith, or Mr Joe Woodard, Bull Mountain, Buckhole, Seymour and Hinson, Mr JW all will be hard to beat. but I am sure there are some other big names going that I don't kno. I do kno one thing you will have to outrun the fellas I just listed to get to the top!

I heard there might be a few here from my neck of the woods that might make it and if so I will sure be pulling for them they will be hard to beat as well!!!

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

I went to the all american the last time it was in grenada and I believe it was the best hunt I've ever been to. Deer season just ended that week so the deer were far and few in between. Outstanding judges and members!!! Not to mention it's (in my opinion) the best place I've ever turned a dog loose. If your thinking about going I don't think you will regret it. If I could take off work I would be there. Good luck to all!

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

I don't have a dog in this race and should keep my trap shut, but sometimes I'm not bright enough to do that.
If hounds could be scratched for running deer, this controversy would be lessened considerably. Mr. Lillard could have scratched hounds that were possisbly being scored for running deer. Each day there would have been fewer deer runners. When hounds are not scratched for running them, the opposite occurs -- many hounds that weren't trashy going in, break over after three or four days exposure to off-game running.
Another point to consider is hunting and trailing. WHAT are they hunting and trailing? Even if you keep things straight on the speed and drive end, you can give deer dogs a big boost in the other categories. If you are scratching deer runners, a lot of hounds hunting up goats will get axed when they start running them.
I realize a great many hunters WANT their hounds to run deer. That is fine. If the majority wants that quality in a foxhound, then you should be scoring deer races.
To do neither puts good judges in a bad spot and promotes the kind of controversy that scars all outdoor hunts. I run inside almost all the time now, but I still maintain outside running is the best test of a foxhound. However, deer will be present at all outdoor hunts and the elephant in that room can't be dealt with because of the prevailing rules.
Either score em or scratch em to do neither makes no sense to me.

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

I sold out of walker hounds 8 years ago (do keep several rabbit & deer hounds now) but I still go to the National every year the last Friday to get my "fix" (it's like a drug to me), my dad (75 years old) went this year with me and he had not been in 15+ years and wanted to see & hear some running. We did not hustle or get in judges way arrived at 7:00 am and by 10:30 we had seen 5 crossings with hounds running coyotes and all 5 crossings were scored by judges. If you know the area and I really don't know it as well as MOST all of the guys & judges down there you can get on crossings. You just have to be like a good hound KNOW how to get to front of a race and HOLD it.
Some people are like a lot of hounds "me to'ers" just pack hounds!!! Ha

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

I had about same deal happen the last time AA was there at lake. Myself and a few others sat at one place and saw 3 coyote crossings during the 5 hour. Judges hav to know wat a coyote race and deer race is and get on the dogs after coyote.And if you cant catch em all runnin deer ,how is it fair to scratch the % that are seen?Judges time could be best spent on hounds after coyotes. Leave the deer race alone.And most these judges here will do that.

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

Emerson, we have gotten so far off the track, we don't know what section the game is in anymore.

1983 National Rule Book explains it as good as I have ever seen it explained. Grant it, judges were on horseback, they were looking for tracks, but this is how the rules were written for the times. Problem is, times have changed.

'1983 National Rulebook" Quote " When a hound cries a cold track, other hounds that cast wide, hunting for the warmer scent of the "FOX" may be scored for Hunting.

The Four Classes

#1. Hunting: A hound that persistently hunts a fox or Wolf as the case may be.

These two quotes are clear about what you should be hunting.

The folks that hunt today on the outside have a tough battle, hunting grounds are shrinking, irate land owners, and a deer behind every tree.
They try to stay to the code of scoring for hunting, trailing, and running. We in the pens have our problems to, we have tried to squeeze all the enjoyment out of a certain part of it Speed, Drive and Endurance, reason being, 200 coyotes in a Pen, an average hunting dog will find one fairly quick.
In either case, the True Foxhound is hard to detect with any set of rules today.
True Foxhounds, hunt as long as you wanted to hunt, bark on nothing but a fox, jump it and drive it by himself, a lot of times if you added dogs to the race, you just interfered with a thing of beauty.
Young hunters in this country at one time,there were pretty women, fast horses, and good whiskey, but if you had a true foxhound, you had something not many people had and it is sad that America has changed to a point, that there are very few today.
The Outside hunters and the Pen hunters, there is a little bit left for both of us, we don't need to argue between us, change the rules maybe to fit the times, but we better try to enjoy what's left of both.

A true foxhound, you might have to be over 50 to rember one. I am not talking about just a broke dog, talking about a FOXHOUND, probably talking to a fairly small audience, as most people that owned true foxhounds, might never have owned a computer.

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

Very good spin on things Steve ,especially the last paragraph.Real hounds were made in the woods , not on computers

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

not sure how this post became a deer topic or a "rule change" topic or whatever it morfed into but this is 2014 on the outside.Most dont like deer but deal with them .There are coyotes and fox to be scored.Thats all I got say on it.
Men its AA time agin and to those hunters come n we in the state of Ms. welcome you. Lets go and enjoy ourselves. If your not able be there this year maybe next year will work for you.

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

I don't know about anyone else, but I hope Ronnie Cox makes the trip with his USO champion. A second place at the national, a win at the USO, and an opportunity at the All-American. I hope he attends and I will surely be rooting for him.

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

Excellent post Mr. Ducote. It is one of very few on this entire site that is worth reading.

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

Thanks Daniel, good luck at the AA

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American

We sitting this one out. Hope it's a good hunt

Re: 2014 Johnson's Telemetry All American
