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Re: USO Number Drawing


Jeff Brinchek - USO Secretary

Re: USO Number Drawing

Jeff did i read it to say the zero numbers. ..example 01 or 015?

I personally don't like numbers that start with zero in front, hope it is going to start at 0, 1, 2 to 99 then 100 to 199 then 201, 210, 211 on and on. I know in all masters hunts only 1 to 999 are available...

Either way every one has same chance......let me know

Re: USO Number Drawing

To come up with 381 numbers I think you would have to include all the zero numbers with a one in them.
The Masters computer program can not handle zero numbers because they are not real numbers. They are imaginary. You can't count to 021 and you can't add to it or subtract from it because it doesn't have a set value. It is kinda like using letters or symbols instead of numbers.
I think David Wrides program handles the imaginary numbers but I always try to stay away from using them.

Re: USO Number Drawing

Heath I never used zero number but I bet I draw bunch of them this hunt since I don't want them, I thought I read it right.
Hope u doing well.

Re: USO Number Drawing

Lenny, you gonna draw a zero number and win USO with dog wearing it. Then you'll be trying to reserve them at every hunt. Good luck at Low Country. Glad to see you putting some excitement in East Coast field trialing again.

Re: USO Number Drawing

That's right, 0, 00, 01 to 019, 021, etc to 091 and 001

For some reason I have always liked the zero numbers and like seeing them on hounds when I judge. They seem to always stand out for some reason to me.

Heath is right that Dave Wride's program will handle the zero numbers. It will also handle X numbers like they use at some of the deer field trials in Eastern NC.

Jeff Brinchek - USO Secretary

Re: USO Number Drawing

Heath I hope you right about winning the USO - but I wont be trying to get zero numbers at the next hunts I go to if it isn't 1-999 I wont use it unless I have to (example drawing at hunt), I am hard headed and I like what I like.

I am thrilled to be back dogging, it has been a breath of fresh air - going to take me little longer to put descent pack together. I do have one gyp left from my old breeding and she is coming in season now so I plan on having a litter of white dogs soon....

Be good


Re: USO Number Drawing

Why not let a man use the number he has died on his hound? Looks like you would be good to the hounds and hunters . If the number is not being used what is the harm?

Re: USO Number Drawing

Quit crying and follow the rules!

Re: USO Number Drawing

Jim - hey it is OK to not always agree with every rule in the world - I assure you I am going to follow the rules, always have and always will - this discussion is good for the leadership to hear, it gives them ideas of what the hunters want and when the leadership meets they can alter by-laws (rules) and in future hunts if deem a good idea by the leadership somethings could be modified to make it better or easier for the hunter, and possibly make a hunt grow and build a larger following.....sorry we bothered you with the crying I call it different opinion!!

Be good and see you soon


Re: USO Number Drawing

Jim if that is your real name. I was just making a point. Hunter has a red white or cream hound and has 832 dyed on him . He goes to the USO he has to bleach his hound out say he draws 611 he then has to dye it on and chances are he will not be able to get 611 again. Their will be 381 draw numbers with 1s in them so what does it hurt to let them use a number that's not being used. I could see if their was going to be a thousand dogs but if they hit 300 they will be lucky!

Re: USO Number Drawing

the rules have always been that way and not going to change for one person.not starting anything thats the way its always been

Re: USO Number Drawing

And that is why the Masters has grown in popularity and Nationals is losing ground. They recognize things and make changes when they see a need. They see cheating going on, so they post judges scores. Nationals see it and look the other way, especially those benifiting from it. I've heard them say it will cause someone to fight or get killed by posting judges scores. Well at the Major Masters hunts things seem to go smoothly? Sometimes change is needed. People take off work, travel 18 to 20 hours from home. Having numbers already on a white dog helps you to prepare ahead. And those of us that go to a lot of hunts never put a number with a 1 in it on a white dog because in all probabilty it will not be available for the next hunt? Just a little to think about?

Re: USO Number Drawing


Re: USO Number Drawing

My understanding you can't run the blankets in National hunts but if you have white dogs and go to many hunts you get pretty good at changing 1's to 4's or 7's or spacing two digit numbers out where you can put another number behind it but I do like the way the international does the draw and then mails the numbers to you so it can be on the dog when you arrive.

Re: USO Number Drawing

Great question.There is always a reason for everything, well most everything. Wonder what the reason is for not letting a man use a number thats not drawn.
Kinda sucks for a man to have a white hound with say 651 dyed on the side. He gets there and draws a number, goes down,dyes him out black, paints new number on and then goes to scoreboard to see that 651 wasn't even drawn.
Bet this affects more than one person in todays time.

Charles Graham helped get this kind of rule changed many years ago with trials,reserving numbers, along with many many other great things he did for all of us and I guarantee you nobody ever said he was WHINING!!!!!!

When the USO was originated there weren't but a handful of hunts held each year, so people didn't really care but now a days people attend many and need to reserve numbers.
Seams like a hunt wouldn't want to do anything to deter a hunter from bringing a dog in this day and age.
Oh well, I'm bringing my white dog that already has a number on him. Guess I will go ahead and dye him out next week.Suck if I draw the number he had on him.Just my luck. HaHaHa

Re: USO Number Drawing

That's what I am talking about. Its crazy to see some hunts stuck so far in the past that they want make changes. Just like them not having a show they are throwing away a chance at a dual and bench.

Re: USO Number Drawing

I think ther should b a way to b able to use a number already died on to keep from going through all the head ache of changing as long as the number hasn't been drawn, or one of the masters officers give a reason so it can be understood y the rule is wat it is or it's proly just has never been brought up bucket I bet u keep digging u will either get a anser or u may get it changed who knows. Just my thots won't hurt me one way or the other the USO is way out of my league. But for now il b at work or home looking for the updates of the hunt( watching from the side lines ) and waiting to c who done wat. Wish everybody good luck and hope the best dog wins.

Re: USO Number Drawing

That's the way its always been you draw numbers to see what number you get.the all american is the same way.if you show up with a number dyed on a dog you will have to change it no questions asked that's the rule

Re: USO Number Drawing

Jason.....are people allowed to trade numbers at All-American?

Re: USO Number Drawing

i go to 12 or 15 trials a year. 3 days and 4 days. there is no way i could expect to keep same number or same hound for that matter at each trial.i use white paint.works fine. but i keep bwt hounds. USO went show less becaus the show had changed the rules so much it wasnt helping the running hound anymore just to LOOK like a foxhound.

Re: USO Number Drawing

Its not really a big deal. When the USO was in central Florida our local hunt was 2 weeks before. Every hunter that attended both changed their numbers without complaint. A little bleach and die works wonders