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breeders cup Jena

Just wanted to start off by saying how good of a time me and my family had at this hunt. I have always heard there is no running at jthe plantation I am sure every pen has there down time or low on game from time to time that's in any pen, but at the breeders cup this pen was popping for 3 straight days. There was game everywhere and it showed itself with packs running all over.. the roads were in great shape and easy to get around and catch your dogs, thanks Paul and Mr Russell for having the game there to crown the breeders cup champion, whitey and Brenda congrats on your win with a fine looking and outstanding hound and to all that placed and thanks to the Pritchards and Brian Guyotte for helping entertain our girls while we were working on dogs they love y'all!!! And to the kitchen for awesome meals each day it was great!!! Enjoyed meeting and chating with everyone hope to see everyone at the masters.