
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Helpful Tips

I'm Ashli Breshears, my father was Timmy Breshears. Now that my daddy's not here to show me the ropes, I was wondering if anyone would mind giving me some tips on starting to fox hunt. I'm wanting to keep my daddy's name well known cause everyone that knew him, knew he was a great hunter. If anyone has any advice, I'd greatly appreciate it. This goes for good hounds, what to look for, tips in running, field trials, etc. thanks in advance.

Re: Helpful Tips

don't know if im qualified to give advise but ..good for you and wish you the best

Re: Helpful Tips

Ashli I was good friends with your daddy Timmy was a good man and a good houndsman he thought me a lot of what I know about field trailing I would be glad to help you get started anyway I can give me a call 601 641 1469