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Re: Re: a very rare sighting at cwm carn

It's not photo-shopped either! I saw it too; with my own eyes, i tells'ee!
How was Exmoor? The usual high standard epic? One lap of Cwmcarn was enough for me yesterday; must work on fitness :-(.........

Re: Re: Re: a very rare sighting at cwm carn

Man alive it was a toughie. Just me, San & Sam. 5 hour slog but at least it didnt rain (too much!). It's a superly duperly loop that one but very tough physically. Absolutely knackered now

Re: Re: Re: Re: a very rare sighting at cwm carn

Sorry I didn't make it on Sunday for the Epic. I really thought I was going to have a cold, but woke up on Sunday (quite late) feeling fine! Next time ...