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New Bike

to all you bike lovin' folk out there...

i am looking to replace my old mountain bike (i won't tell you what it i just to get away from the embarrasment!)

basically i am looking to spend £400 and with that i would like a light bike with some front sus forks...

any suggestions? second hand, ex-dem, 2004 models...all considered...!

cheers in advance

now to let the forum do its magic...

Re: New Bike

Probably best pay a visit to Whsmith and buy yourself a good bike mag, they ususally have reviews on bikes within your price-range. Or get yourself down to your local bike shop, should do the job!

Re: Re: New Bike

cannondale f800 optimo with power supply. 1 careful owner!!!

On a serious note, have a word with Giles at Pembury cycles, he'll give you some good advice on what to look for in that price range

Re: Re: Re: New Bike

I can't remember the model, but a Claud Butler came out top of test in a recent MBR budget hardtail test.
It did look good value. I think there are adverts for it in the latest MBR.

Re: Re: Re: Re: New Bike

That'll be the Cape Wrath. All 9-speed stuff and disk-ready wheels for £400 quid. It came out top in the MBR June 2004 dirty-dozen bike test, and you can get a back issue on 020 85323628 (24hr!?!) to see the other 11 bikes for the same price. Alternatively, see what deals you can get on a 2004 bike now that the 2005 stuff has hit the shops.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: New Bike

hey there guys..

thanks for all your advice.. just bought myself a 2004 dawes edge comp.. for a very good price (<£400!!)

will put a post up as soon as i am ready to go out for a ride one weekend.. am off snow boarding this weekend.. so i'm not being lazy!!

cheers again


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: New Bike

See you out on a ride soon then.