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Away Ride on Sunday

Anybody got any plans, want to make any suggestions? Welsh theme parks or natural trails?


Re: Away Ride on Sunday

I wont be around this week so you'll have to think for yourselves

Re: Re: Away Ride on Sunday

Welsh Theme parks get my Vote, hows about The Wall and Penrhyd trails.

Re: Re: Re: Away Ride on Sunday

Tidy! sam said the wall is pretty cut up. Whites? July?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Away Ride on Sunday

I fancy whites and pen whatshisname

Lets just go to Afan

god dammit!!

Re: Lets just go to Afan

Well Said Damo!

Re: Re: Lets just go to Afan

Are we meeting at the cottage at 0900?? Or earlier?? Call if you want to sort out transport
0776 1675686

Re: Re: Re: Lets just go to Afan

I can make it so count me in. Please post a message to confirm when/where to meet. Off out now but will check forum later. Not sure if anyone will want a lift after last week's car breakdown though!
Cheers, Simon S.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Lets just go to Afan

It is 9 O'clock at the Cottage or 10.30 ish at Afan. I suppose if we're doing Whites Level or July Trail we should meet at the new car park at Glyncorreg.