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Site Loading Time Survey

Hi All,

How long does it take for this site and forum to load on your machine ?

Please state time and your connection speed. I.e 56k, 128, 512, 1meg or higher :-) And Browser.

Many thanks for your time.

BMBC - Mike

Re: Site Loading Time Survey

Site 5 secs
Forum 13 secs (sloooooooooow!!)
Internet Explorer

Re: Site Loading Time Survey

loading time 10 secs

Re: Site Loading Time Survey

sorry incomplete answer earlier

Site loading 3 secs

Forum 10 secs

56K modem

Re: Site Loading Time Survey

7 secs website

5 secs forum

1Mb blueyonder

Site Loading Time Survey

4 secs website

6-7 secs forum

3Mb blueyonder