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FAO Those going to Les Arcs - Excess Baggage

Easyjet now charge £10 each way for bikes apparently

More info here

Re: FAO Those going to Les Arcs - Excess Baggage

Your a wealth of invaluable information Steve. Keep it coming!

Re: Re: FAO Those going to Les Arcs - Excess Baggage

Well done Steve, saved the day again. I was able to go online and amend my original booking. Another £20.00

Re: Re: Re: FAO Those going to Les Arcs - Excess Baggage

Well spotted Steve. At least they have to have a good excuse not to take the bike now I've paid upfront.

Re: Re: Re: Re: FAO Those going to Les Arcs - Excess Baggage

Good idea Andy. I've paid up front too by amending my booking online.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: FAO Those going to Les Arcs - Excess Baggage

Booked my ticket on Monday and got clobbered for £20

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: FAO Those going to Les Arcs - Excess Baggage

Isn't it a bit rash to change your bookings? When I purchased my ticket on 31 January there was no mention of a charge for bikes, it actually said you can take a free allowance of 10KG of sporting equipment, plus your usual 20KG allowance. I thought once you'd entered into a contract (ie purchased the ticket) they cannot then up the price. Any consumer experts around?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: FAO Those going to Les Arcs - Excess Baggage

Somebody gave them the nod that the Bristol mountain bike posse were booking seats at a rapid rate and really wanted to piss us off. Suspects include leigh woods stick lady and the tosser who doesn't want mtb around cwm carn

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: FAO Those going to Les Arcs - Excess Baggage

LOL at Hick Meister i think he has a point