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Mike PC help

Why is my pc so f ing slow its f ing murder

Re: Mike PC help


Re: Mike PC help


Looks like you have something nasty on your machine :-(

As before, try using some spyware removers, check your firewall, defrag it etc.

Failing that format the thing and start again.

Or buy a new machine.


PS M$ have a spyware removal for free at the moment, it's in Beta, however it still found some spyware the others could not find on my machine.

PPS Windows XP is spyware/virus in it's own right :-)

Re: Re: Mike PC help

Thanks for the help Steve i knew i could rely on you. Mike, it only runs slow on BMBC forum. I have McAfee spyware on there already. I have defraged it last week. Its about as reliable as an Ellsworth Truth.

Re: Re: Re: Mike PC help


I'm planning to drop the Frameset from the forum.

Do you click forum link from the front page or go dirctly to the forum ?

Try this link in a new browser instance.Cut n PAste.

Right click, new window.

This is a link

