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Any big ride plans for Sunday?

I was thinking about the Cotswolds, as I'll be up there anyway. Probably somewhere between Cheltenham and Winchcombe. Anybody interested or any other ideas?

Re: Any big ride plans for Sunday?

I'm interested Rob. Do you have route in mind?


Re: Re: Any big ride plans for Sunday?

I was thinking of maybe parking up in Winchcombe and riding round Cleeve Hill and up round Stanway and Snowshill. If you've done the HONC before, then you'll recognise some of the trails from there. It will probably be pretty muddy in parts, but there's some good rocky descents off the escarpment. I just fancied it for a change, because it's a good few years since i've done any biking round there (except the HONC).

Re: Any big ride plans for Sunday?

What about a cold Quantocks? esp if it is frosty as we will have nice hard descents.

Re: Re: Any big ride plans for Sunday?

ever growing group are riding quantocks early on sun your welcome to join us

Re: Re: Re: Any big ride plans for Sunday?

what time and where do you guys meet? Early sun would be good.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Any big ride plans for Sunday?


I might be up for this as well (if you don't mind a bit of dead weight at the back of the group).

Where do you meet, Holford ????

Stephen W.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Any big ride plans for Sunday?

I'll probably join you at the back Stephen, if that's okay. Anyone know time and place?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Any big ride plans for Sunday?

hi guys were bridgwater/taunton guys so it's lydeard hill car park for us meeting up at 9 am we all ride at the back stephen so if you'll have too squeeze in somewhere,lol, if you don't know where the car park is we can meet up in bridgwater and go from there,
e-mail me @ if you interested .not sure what route were doing open to offers on the day.

Is it light at that time?

9.00 at the Quantocks is going to be too early for me. Have a good one!


Re: Is it light at that time?

will do nigel you enjoy yours if you have one

Re: Re: Is it light at that time?

Hi Shane,

Thanks for the offer, but 9.00 is a bit early for me too. I've spoken to Damon and a few of us are now planning to start at 10.00 from the layby just before Holford. Hope you have a good ride.

Nigel are you interested in the new time??????

Stephen W.

10.00 start

10.00 in the Holford layby sounds much more achievable!

See you there.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Any big ride plans for Sunday?

Hi Steve,
Hope you are well? Susie and I are looking at possibly Afan or Cwm Carn. Rode the latter last night and it was really dry. if you are not going to the Quantocks that is. We might make it to Quatocks but not too sure yet.

See ya
