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Cycling to UWE From Redland

hey there all...

after having my new bike for a while... i am now contemplating cycling to work... just to see what it's like....

anyway... my question is:

does anyone know of some routes from redland to uwe to get me to work... without travelling down the A4174 and risking my life... (i'm new to bristol hence the daft question!)

Re: Cycling to UWE From Redland

I would love to be able to answer this question by saying turn left in Victoria road SA until Peter etc,etc but i only know turn left by big building right by big sign. Maybe have a look on multimap for cycling friendly routes or if i can recall correctly Sustrans have a route planner on their website for this very type of situation. Dunno if this helps otherwise see you on the trails.


Re: Re: Cycling to UWE From Redland


cheers for that.. i think i will just get the local A-Z out and see what is available.

if not the A4174 it is.... (gasps in suspense!)


Re: Re: Re: Cycling to UWE From Redland

After three years of experience in communting to and from UWE, the A4174 (or it's general direction) is the quickest. Probably not the safest as you pointed out, but there's no need to cycle in the road. If you keep to the right-hand path (under the footbridge) as you turn on to it, you're faced with a newly widened path. Make a careful hop across the juntion at the bottom of the field, past the vets on your right and straight on toward the subway. Just over the filton avenue juntion there's a cycle path that you can safely follow all the way to UWE :-)