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Anyone round this weekend fancy going to Ashton Court

Yup... basically anyone round this weekend that wants to go to Ashton Court (or something similar) for a light bit of fun to show a complete beginner what this MTB stuff is all about..??

thanks in advance to anyone who is game enough!

Re: Anyone round this weekend fancy going to Ashton Court

yeh it`s bout time i got muddy again . 10.30 at the golf kiosk

Re: Anyone round this weekend fancy going to Ashton Court

I'm up for it, as long as it is Saturday, and relatively early... @ 10am-11am.

Re: Re: Anyone round this weekend fancy going to Ashton Court


i will be happy to meet up with you for a ride... was kinda hoping to go on Sunday... but if Sat is the only day you can manage then so be it.. i don't know where the Golf kiosk is.. but i am sure that i can find it (will just ask a golfer!).

i have sent you both an email with a phone number.. please give me a call... (wont have internet when i leave work!)

thanks in advance
