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Skyline Sunday (Feb 27)! And Scotland (May 20-22) - Any chance of a lift?

Hi all,

is anyone going to either / both these fine rides with space for me and my bike?

We are both well behaved & would of course pay for petrol.

Please call me on 079-41-42-46-46
I will also be at work for the next 24 hours (till 8pm Sat) on: 0117-970-1212 and ask for bleep 1641 (paediatric registrar)


Re: Skyline Sunday (Feb 27)! And Scotland (May 20-22) - Any chance of a lift?

Set the machine to maximum Ping.


Aah! I see you have the machine that goes 'ping'. This is my favourite. You see, we lease this back from the company we sold it to, and that way, it comes under the monthly current budget and not the capital account.


Thank you. Thank you. We try to do our best. Well, do carry on.

Re: Skyline Sunday (Feb 27)! And Scotland (May 20-22) - Any chance of a lift?

Sorry Seb I don`t have a space in the car, you could try Deeman I think hes going also!