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Re: Re: Re: Beginner rides

Good man, Phill. Apologies to anyone who wanted more beginners rides. Take up was poor ,probably the wrong time of year for the less commited rider, and lets face it the trails have been swampy and not very beginner friendly. But we tried, eh?
Phill, things may pick up with better weather, if you fancy leading the occasional ride i'm sure it would be appreciated. The ones i did were dead easy, no trouble makers and everyone enjoyed it.
See you all sometime soon, G.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Beginner rides

sure thing old bean

Re: Beginner rides

Tomorrow will be the decider in our company as to weather it will go ahead with the Bike To Work goverment initiative sceme that I had got started (due to company customers desperately letting us down), but if it doesn't, some will still be getting bikes, and after me jollying about all of the fun that I have at weekends, as well as week days, there are several very interested now and when they get a bike. Myself included!!!!!

Re: Re: Beginner rides

Is that the VAT free scheme? How easy was it to get your employer to do this? Was talking about this with someone at work today and they seem to think that you have to buy the bikes from certain nominated places - any truth in this as far as you know?