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Office's are target for bike poachers

Hi all,

Just wanted to share that my bike was nicked from my office which has underground parking with drop down barriers, CCTV and partolling security guards.

I also heard today on GWR that a guy was chased off their premises, he also had clippers to brake locks as was the case with mine.

These guys ain't opportunists and my insurance won't pay up 'cos it happened at the office. So please take care of your bikes if you commute in to Bristol.

On a sepatate note, can anyone recommend any specialist bike insurers ??



Re: Office's are target for bike poachers

I use CTC, but I've never claimed so dunno if they're good at paying up.

Re: Re: Office's are target for bike poachers

Marks and Spencer insurance services seem to be the most popular at the mo. Check their website.

Re: Re: Re: Office's are target for bike poachers

you could also try E&L insurance i use them when travelling abroard they have a new for old policy may be they do the same for general purpose bike insurance also

Re: Re: Re: Re: Office's are target for bike poachers


I've got AXA home contents though the AA with the bike covered outside the home. They paid up in full within 2 weeks of my bike being theived in Jan, albeit after a tussle with Wheelies Direct (big insurance replacement outfit) when I wanted to go to LBS. New bike's insured up to £3K on same premium, not bad in all.

I've just heard of bikes being stolen from our secure lockup here, something's up...!