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Re: local slow ride

Yeah count me in Phill. I've done a few of the beginner rides and Cwm Carn a few weeks back, what with the weather at the moment I'd be well up for a ride on Sunday.
I'll be er, the one on the Spesh Hardrock pro if that's any help!...

Re: Re: local slow ride

How did you get on with Cwm Carn Sam? Its a good trail to build your confidence me reckons. Remember me first time there as I felt like wretching on the first climb, bit easier now though, have a good one!

Re: local slow ride

Hi Sam. You summed it up! Made the mistake of not having a proper breakfast, so after about 20 mins of uphill I felt like passing out! After a break and food I got some energy back for the downhill -which completely made up for the feeling of dying on the uphill ;-)

The good thing, confidence wise, was that by trying to keep up with my mates, you follow their path and tend to ride faster and with more confidence. As soon as I fell behind it became a bit like riding in the unknown, and hence was a lot more cautious.

Looking forward to Sunday's ride - anyone else on here feel like joining up?

Re: Re: local slow ride

see u there i`m the one on either the surly single speed or the airborne liberator

Re: Re: Re: local slow ride

Might turn up on my Surly Cyclocross