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Re: Re: 100 miles in or around Bristol

I'd recomend the Avon Cycleway.

There are also lots of "roadie" events at, quite a few of which are 100 miles +

A while back, we did Bristol to Pewsey along the cyclepath + canals which came out at just over 50 miles - so there and back might do it. Mind you, if you're doing distance, trying to get all those anglers and walkers you meet on the towpath out of your way gets pretty annoying after a while.

Re: 100 miles in or around Bristol

I did a ride last summer of roughly 90miles which included local trails around Leigh woods and Ashton Court plus Bourton coombe and our usual route around the Mendips. Its a top ride but you need good weather, i`d be on for it but probably not for a few weeks! Cheers Sam

Re: 100 miles in or around Bristol

Thanks for the replies, i'll look at the Avon cycleway and just checked out the audax site. I don't have a road bike but wouldn't be doing it for the competition element anyway, just as a challenge to do and it looked like there were some long rides on the site. It said it was open to pretty much anyone but I imagine nearly all of them would be on road bikes etc. Would really like to get started doing over 100 miles in one go sometime soon.
Thanks again for the suggestions and info -


Re: Re: 100 miles in or around Bristol

Seriously thinking of doing the Bristol to Pewsey that someone mentiond, @ 50 there & 50 back on Easter Sunday, depending on how I feel after the Dunkery Beacon ride tomorrow!!! Stunning scenery to be enjoyed.