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Timberland Trail reroute - consultants wanted

We (the Bristol Trails Group) are going on a site visit soon with the Forestry Commission and Forest of Avon to plan how to improve and reroute the Timberland Trail in 50 Acre Wood. I haven't been riding round Bristol for very long and don't really know 50 Acre that well at all (especially since it became a bog). If anyone rides there loads or remembers all the pre-TT stuff then we need your help and advice! See here for more details.



Re: Timberland Trail reroute - consultants wanted

No help at all on that front, as I can get lost in my own living room, but now it dosen't seem so limited to Ashton Court could I be so bold as to suggest "Reassuringly Extensive" as a tagline for the BTG website?

See ya on the trails

Re: Re: Timberland Trail reroute - consultants wanted

Cheers Cunners, any time I am in need of a crap pun you will be my first port of call.

Re: Re: Re: Timberland Trail reroute - consultants wanted

Try the other sub forum where all the trail maintenance talk goes on. Mike will point you in the right direction