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Anyone riding Sunday?

I`m thinking of doing Skyline, but open to suggestions!(Apart from Ashton Court!)

Re: Anyone riding Sunday?

Hi Sam,
Will be up for tagging along. Been off my bike due to a bad chest so am keen to enjoy the long weekend.


Re: Re: Anyone riding Sunday?

I'm also up for something, but probably not for skyline as I don't think my pass will allow me a full day.

Chris Stroud was talking about a ride he knew in Wiltshire. Anyone interested.

Stephen W.

Re: Re: Re: Anyone riding Sunday?

I would be. Any further details?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Anyone riding Sunday?

Hi. The Wiltshire ride that Steve mentioned is one that Mike P and I did a few times a couple of years ago. Its about 40 miles mainly on ancient tracks so it isnt challenging terrain, but because its quite long its a good ride. Have a look on the map for Codford St Peter to get an idea of how far a drive it is though - if anyone is still interested then maybe we could arrange something.
Mike - did you do a map for this? Can you remember the name of the place where we parked? Cheers,


I reckon i`m gonna do Skyline( not a dis on your route Chris, I just wanna try the Marin out on familiar territory!)Would`nt mind giving it a go sometime though!

2moro morning!

Forgot to say Chris, i`m gonna do an early mendips ride starting at 8am from Burrington if your about?

Re: 2moro morning!

Sorry Sam, didnt look on the forum till 10ish this morning so I've missed out. Hope you had a good ride anyway. Bike ok?

Re: Re: 2moro morning!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Anyone riding Sunday?

Hi Chris,

The place is called Great Wishford (SU078354)

Parking is at Grovely Wood (SU078354)

From Severn Beach this is about a 2 Hour drive guide for people.

Take plenty of money for that pub, or try for the Little Chef again down "Dog Egg" alley :-)



Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Anyone riding Sunday?

Hi Mike,

Thanks for that. As you can see, theres no interest in the ride at the moment, with lots of peeps off to Coed y Brenin for Easter. It must be almost 3 years ago we did this (??) so I might do it next week just to remember the route. I seem to recall having about 50 punctures last time and my freewheel fubar'd with no drive for the last 5 miles! Let me know if you fancy giving it a go. Cheers

Re: Re: Re: Anyone riding Sunday?

Hi Steve,
Are you planning anything for Sunday. Susie and I are up for a ride if you are about?
