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general race stuff in the bristol area

Hello all,
(not sure if this is the right place to ask, just searched for mtb/bristol and found this place, sorry if its not suitable for here etc)

I'm not familiar with mtb racing in Bristol and wondered if there were any large events, I think I read something about an endurance event at Ashton Court? But can't remember the details. I'd like to try a 12 hour endurance event and see how it felt. Anyone into that sort of stuff? Does the Bristol MTB club do stuff like that?

Is there a race scene thats open to beginners (not a new rider, but new to racing etc) Friendly people/clubs? Opinions or whatever would really be appreciated.

Re: general race stuff in the bristol area
12hr enduro 11june TEAMS OR SOLO

Re: general race stuff in the bristol area

cool, 2 months or so to get in shape for a 12 hour event. Anyone got any first time experiences or advice? (riding solo)

Re: general race stuff in the bristol area

Also, is anyone here or in the mtb club considering doing this? (again sry if not asked in the right place etc)