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Re: Re: Best wheel builders in Bristol?

I think you don't have to look any further than Giler at Pembury cycles on Gloucester Road. I am going to be boring by saying that I never get my wheels fettled or built by anyone else. The annual true is nothing to worry about when you weight 15st and spend at least 2 plus weeks a year in the Alps! (ps Giler if you are reading this can I have a discount!)

Re: Re: Re: Best wheel builders in Bristol?

A 3rd nomination for the man like Giler

Re: Re: Re: Re: Best wheel builders in Bristol?

you could also try

sorry giler

Persecute the Heretic, Kill the Blasphemer!

Persecute the Heretic, Kill the Blasphemer!


Re: Persecute the Heretic, Kill the Blasphemer!

1 more vote for Giler!