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Just checking everyone is still on for da Clic! as i`m gonna send me entry off this week and don`t really want to do it Solo! Come on Damo and Chris!!
Clare not sure if you`ve tried to email me but i`ve moved and am having probs collecting mail buit I should up and running again by Thurs. But if anyone has need to call me, number is 07976264431

Re: Clic24

Hi Sam - coincidentally just left a message on your phone about this! Seems so far I am the only one on the team. I don't fancy doing it solo either! Apparently 2 guys from the MTB forum are doing it as well if we need to join forces.

Re: Re: Clic24

For info, rode the course as a Night Ride last thurs with the organiser (Neil Wilkins). When it's dry (which it was) the lower of the two parallel Limestone Link trails is superb. Good course, lots of up and down but all doable on the singlespeed. Cheers, Simon S.

Re: Re: Re: Clic24

re clic 24. i have 2 man team so far, poss 3 so looking for another member at least, if not 2.
scott 07960 17 24 62