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No Bike = Lardy

BMBC massive

Things are going pretty well down here, just found a flat in Harbord, nr Manly. It's about 10mins from the beach and 5mins to the local trail head - sweeet! The best LBS in Sydney (Bike Addiction) is about 200m from the front door, so i think we chose the right spot.

I've got a 10 mile/16km commute to the CBD, 'good training' which i need. Food and beer is cheap which means i'm getting lardy quickly!

My bike still hasn't arrived which is fuckin' murdur but i guess the decent weather, topless birds at the beach and pro womens beach volleyball training make up for that!

Oh yeah, work is a nightmare but then it always is!!

Phat Dan

Re: No Bike = Lardy

Good to hear from you Dan! Sounds as if you like it down under. You need a deathtrap to do the commute on - would it be an option? In response to my petition, Bristol City council are making Gloucester rd a nudist zone and The Prom will have topless barmaids ever tuesday night with table service too.
Hope things continue on the happy note - cheers dude, G.

Re: Re: No Bike = Lardy

@ topless birdz on Glos Road. Quality.

Glad you are well. You are missing a lot of rain here. It sucks

Re: No Bike = Lardy

Hey up Dan! Good to hear from you mate, glad its all going well for you down there. Pity about the bike but you should have used "BRENT SHIPPING AGENTS"(for all your shipping needs!)(LOL)
Beach action sounds good, Is there a Bedminster facelift Australian style?
Easy now!

Re: Re: No Bike = Lardy

Brent shipping agents - pure bristol class! The beaches are amazing and surfing looks piss easy. Sam, if you were wondering where all dem trim gal is, it's here!
take it easy

Re: No Bike = Lardy

Good day Dan howzit going. Do tell when you have your first Aussie Porn and Prawn Barby. ( "Up there i had my first experience" " Really mate what didi she say" "maahha mmaa mmaa"

Speak to you soon

Re: Re: No Bike = Lardy

Class Damon, Pure Class!!LOL

Re: Re: Re: No Bike = Lardy

What, you mean you understood that?

Re: Re: Re: Re: No Bike = Lardy

Hi Dan, good to hear from you. Sounds as if you made the right move. Weather is still shit. Damon, you lost me mate?