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Attn SAV - Black Mountains Route and MAp

Most of this route is easy to describe but there are 2 issues.

1) The fireroad & bridleway in the forest section do not seem to match the route we take. The forest has probably changed a lot due to logging.

2) There is currently logging in the forest that may give you access trouble. We were ok on Sunday as there was nobody there but we did have to stomp a line around some trees. This was very tricky.

Here's the route. OS co-ordinates listed are read along and then up. If you can get this drawn onto a map somehow and e-mail it to me before 5pm on Thursday, I can confirm if you have it right (I'm away for the weekend).

Best attempted on a dry day after a couple of dry days previous, to help dry it out. The exposed ridgeline on the first 3rd of the ride is usually dry, as it's sandy and exposed to the wind.

Park somewhere in Llanbedr at 234203

Ride along the road (gentle warm up) to 285211 (Conker tree on the corner).

Turn left & ride up very steep narrow road up to 287217

At top of road take slight left fork, up very steep and loose track in trees (nasty little climb!)

Follow trail (through a gate) and along singletrack on hillside to 287233 where it joins another trail.

Turn left and go through the gate.

You should now head for the trig point you should see straight ahead on top of the hill at 281255 (Garn Wen).

Climb directly up to trig point on 4x4 tracks and grassy trail.

At trig point, bear right and follow sandy ridge (black dotted line on map). You are now ride along this ridge for 1.5km to the trig point 267271 (Bal Mawr). Admire beautiful views and Heather lined singletrack. There is a steep carry (a short one) en route to the trig point.

Continue along this lovely sandy ridge for another 3km to 250302 where you need to turn right down the bridleway to the road at 252315 (The Monastery).

This turning is very hard to spot. It is about 50 yards after a pile of stones and is narrow and grassy. It descends down a grassy bank through peaty bogs (take care). It then bears left and turns very nasty. Take care - it is very rocky, steep, off camber and has high danger factor as it descends steeply along the edge of the ridge. I cleared this on Sunday (?) with my pads on and it is one of the hardest descents I've ever done. I recommend lowering your saddle!

When the rocky bit is over, there is a left switchback. Ride down steep grassy bank and carry on, across a little stream. Across the stream, up a little rocky climb, take the right hand singletrack and then descent the deep gully with big rocks down to a gate. Through the gate, over the slippery rock steps (ride if you dare!). Right at the bottom of the steps and down to the road.

Hopefully, you will now be at the road at 252315. The last bit was probably hard to navigate and you have done well if you have got to here unhurt and without getting lost!!

Turn left and follow road. Over the stream and then up a steep climb to a gate. Through the gate and follow the road which turns into a bridleway at 237328.

Follow this bridleway along the valley. Take in the lovely view of stream and waterfall.

Follow the trail to 221346.

Turn left and head along ridge (black dotted line), climbing up to trig point at 212334.

Continue along ridge and descent gradually through peaty surface to gate at crossroads at 204327.

Turn left and follow bridleway. Starts off as deep 4x4 tracks and then opens onto grass. Then descends down rocky wet trail along the valley for 1.5km before faster blast of a trail past Grwyne fawr Reservoir. Follow trail until you get to the road at 252286.

Follow road to 256267

and then enter forest on the right via fire road. There should be a green barrier you ride around.

Follow this fireroad up. Take a left at the junction and follow the lower of the 3 fireroads. At the end, ride up to join the middle fire road at 266245.

This is where it gets tricky as its not on the map and there's logging.

Follow the middle fire road for about ½ a mile and you should see a very steep grassy climb (just past an overhead cable and a JCB). Climb up this and join the top fireroad.

If you cant find this bit, I suggest following the middle fireroad to 267236 and then pushing up the very steep bridleway to the top fireroad at 264236.

When on the top fireroad, follow it to the end of the forest. At the end, you should see a small gate at 263232. Through the gate and turn right up a very steep grassy knoll. At the top, you should be at 261232. Trig point at 263227 should be on your left (Crag Mawr).

Take the NW bridleway that takes you down Blaen-yr-henbent. This is the best piece of singletack I have done in the UK. An absolute joy. Amazing views and very fast.

Follow the trail all the way to a metal gate at 243212. Through the gate and down the singletrack and then rocky, wet trail down to Hen Bant farm at the bottom 245208.

Descend down the very steep road and then follow the road back to the car at Llanbedr.

Route is approx 23 miles long and will take 5-6hours on a dry day. It's a very hard route with tons of climbing and some very technical sections. One of my favourite rides as it has everything.

A true epic.
