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The Woods are in a right mess

Went for a little spin last night and made the bad move of going into Leigh Woods (nice planks there Matt). It was the muddiest I have ever seen it, I couldn't believe it.

There were places I had to walk as the mud was so bad and the bits that I did ride were probably more down to luck than skill! Not much fun in my book.

Does anyone actually enjoy riding in those conditions? Riding at about 3 miles per hour on the flat is not my idea of fun.

Didnt bother with Ashton Court as I figure it would also be pretty bad.

Before anyone starts preaching at me - yeah I know I should get out there and do some trailbuilding but this is more of an observation as to how bad the weather is in the country.

Roll on Summer........

Re: The Woods are in a right mess

Yeah lets go and trash Exmoor instead. Must keep our singletrack sweet and smooth. Seriously though Steve it doesnt matter how much trail maintenance you do it will still be shit somewhere else on the trails. Even Afan has got shit parts. What gets to me is all the Cliftonites with them Dale thingies that dont go anywhere else except around AC and Leigh Woods just to say to their posh mates down the pub: " Im a mountainbiker".

Re: Re: The Woods are in a right mess

What gets to me is arrogant people who have a go at others in order to feel supreme themselves. Maybe some people dont have the luxury of a vehicle/dont have the time to head out of Bristol to go mountain biking elsewhere.

Sounds to me that you're more pompous than the so called Clifton-ites you mention. Anyone who enjoys getting their bike out off-road and having a good hack around *is* a mountain biker in my opinion.


Whats a Cliftonite ?

Re: The Woods are in a right mess

there are some bits that are still fine. Leigh woods is easily the worst.

Of course, if I tell you where thay are, everyone'll go and feck them up instead!

Re: Re: The Woods are in a right mess

Here mate, what you tryna say I got one of those Dale thingies!
Wanna Fight???

Re: Re: Re: The Woods are in a right mess

Re: The Woods are in a right mess

Can anyone tell me a route in L Woods, as my pram keeps getting stuck in the mud.

PS it is not a Dale pram