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Sunday - The early alternative.

Unfortunately I can't swing another all day pass for Sunday (that's Exmoor out) so a few of us are planning a Mendip/Cheddar ride - starting at 9.00, from the Garden centre car park at Burrington Coombe.

All welcome.


Re: Sunday - The early alternative.

Hi Stephen

I'll make my annual appearance See you Sunday morning...

Re: Re: Sunday - The early alternative.

I haven't been out with any of you BMBC folks before but would like to join in... I'll see you at burrington at 9. I'll skip the lardy breakfast so hopefully will be able to keep up!

Re: Re: Re: Sunday - The early alternative.

I'm new to BMBC also, and would like to meet up as well.

How long d'you plan on being out for?

I can do up to about 11.30 to noon'ish.



Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday - The early alternative.

Hi Dan,

Its likely that we'll be finishing later than 11.30, but its easy for you to cut the ride short if you need to.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday - The early alternative.

Cheers Stephen,

See y'all tomorrow morning.


Re: Re: Sunday - The early alternative.

Stephen, Mike H. and myself will be at car park 8:45"ish". C u there.