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Bristol 12

Anyone know how the entries are looking. Umming and Ahhing between getting a team together, or doing it solo.

Wondering if I've ummed and ahhed so long it's too late?

Re: Bristol 12

I think its a bit late Leon as all entries are closed. Keep your eye open for people who are cancelling or teams who need extra peolple.

Re: Bristol 12

That's funny, I spoke to Paul Newman on Saturday and he said there were still spaces available. You've got to give the man props for coming out trailbuilding, there can't be that many race organisers who would go to such lengths to make sure the course is decent.

Re: Re: Bristol 12

Posting was confused with CLIC 24 response. My response should be totally ignored.


Re: Re: Re: Bristol 12

Don't wory Damo - it usually is !!!