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Any plans for Sunday yet.

The Sun's out, I'm sitting in an office and have started thinking about Sundays ride. Has anyone got anythoughts yet.

Wouldn't mind the Quantocks if anyone keen.

Stephen W.

Re: Any plans for Sunday yet.

Steven, I'll second your Quantox suggestion.

Re: Re: Any plans for Sunday yet.

Im a 99.9% 3rd for the i aint being a
clic 24 lunatic !!

let me know meeting times etc guys


Re: Re: Re: Any plans for Sunday yet.

I should be there I'll be at the cottage at 9

Re: Re: Re: Re: Any plans for Sunday yet.

yup....i should be there at 9am.


Re: Any plans for Sunday yet.

Susie and I will meet you down there. Is anyone meeting at the cottage as I have a friend who needs a lift?



Re: Re: Any plans for Sunday yet.

Hi, I havn't been on any of the BMMC rides before but would be up for giving the Quantocks a shot, and I have room in my car if your mates still stuck... see you down at the cottage at 9. If you need to contact me 07811110179


Re: Re: Re: Any plans for Sunday yet.

Cheers Barney. My mates name is Fintan. He's Irish and talks a good deal and is great company.

See you tomorrow.


Quantocks Ride - Meeting Place

9.00am The Cottage car park and / or
10.15ish Lay by on A39, on left hand side just before Holcombe village (heading towards Minehead).

Re: Quantocks Ride - Meeting Place

I think you mean Holford Chris.

Re: Re: Quantocks Ride - Meeting Place

Well spotted Hwe! Yes I meant Holford, of course i did. Thinking about those combes got me confused - (easily done).
See you tomorrow!