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Re: Re: Re: Wiltshire ride

Some of the best mtb trails locally - my personal opininon of course - are on the Quantocks. Theres a whole range of riding so it can be as easy or tough as you want, and theres plenty of bail out options if your legs give up, because its a compact area and never very far back to the car.
Dont worry about being too slow, most rides can accomodate different abilities. If its a tough ride, and therefore not suitable for less experienced people, it will say that on the posting.
Steve has suggested Quantocks for Sunday, and theres usually a good turnout, so you'd be welcome to come along.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Wiltshire ride

Thanks Chris. I will have a think about it and see if i reckon i can make it round without embarassing myself too much! What is the form with these outings? Do you meet in Bristol and all go together from there or normally meet at the start of the ride? Can you give me an idea of roughly how long the ride is likely to be? I'm not too good on anything that is really steeply downhill or has big rocks!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Wiltshire ride

For those people who live in Bristol, most Sunday away rides meet first at The Cottage pub, i think 9.00am is the usual time. Some of us live outside Bristol and go straight to the ride car park - just depends where the ride is really. Check the forum for the meeting place details.
In terms of ride time, the Quantocks can be just a few hours, or up to maybe 5 hours. As i mentioned before, its easy to bail out at any point so i guess it just depends how you feel. Also, depends on the people who turn up on the day.
If you've done Cwm Carn ok, i dont think theres anything much technically that you couldnt cope with on the Quantox. And lots of awesome singletrack as well!

ATTN: Hannah - Wiltshire Maps.

Note: Each map is around the 1meg mark.

and in Glorious 3D

Re: ATTN: Hannah - Wiltshire Maps.

and it Starts at Grovely wood. Also it's take the form of clockwise figure of eight.

Re: Re: ATTN: Hannah - Wiltshire Maps.

Thank you so much (and to Chris) - that's great