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Re: Any plans for Sunday yet.

Susie and I will meet you down there. Is anyone meeting at the cottage as I have a friend who needs a lift?



Re: Re: Any plans for Sunday yet.

Hi, I havn't been on any of the BMMC rides before but would be up for giving the Quantocks a shot, and I have room in my car if your mates still stuck... see you down at the cottage at 9. If you need to contact me 07811110179


Re: Re: Re: Any plans for Sunday yet.

Cheers Barney. My mates name is Fintan. He's Irish and talks a good deal and is great company.

See you tomorrow.


Quantocks Ride - Meeting Place

9.00am The Cottage car park and / or
10.15ish Lay by on A39, on left hand side just before Holcombe village (heading towards Minehead).

Re: Quantocks Ride - Meeting Place

I think you mean Holford Chris.

Re: Re: Quantocks Ride - Meeting Place

Well spotted Hwe! Yes I meant Holford, of course i did. Thinking about those combes got me confused - (easily done).
See you tomorrow!